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Contenu de l'offre INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL PROJECT MANAGER (Fixed-term contract, 1 year) chez Le-HUB

LE-HUB, consultancy firm specialised in maximizing the effectiveness of marketing investments for advertisers, is seeking an international digital project manager to lead a mission for 1 year with one of its clients, leader in the luxury sector. You will be completely integrated with the dedicated team of our client.


Our client, famous luxury brand is seeking a passionate, positive and bright person to manage the digital development of the brand.

By working in the global headquarters, you will have the exciting opportunity to contribute to the worldwide digital transformation of a billionaire global brand.

You will report to the marketing manager and leverage directly the projects (in a dedicated team).


Animation of the brands platforms (social networks calendars, brand sites maintenance and evolutions, emailing)Deployment of the brand online communication plan: coordination of agencies (creative and technical, production follow-up, results media campaigns)Performance analysis: dashboards and reportings


Fluent in English , spoken and written and, at least a moderate level in FrenchCreative eye and strong sensitivity to the luxury universeStrategic, forward-looking and able to create competitive and innovative strategies and plansAnalytical mind and a knowledge of monitoring and analysis tools : Facebook Analytics, Social Baker, Radarly for example.Agile, with strong leadership and excellent cross-functional management capabilities , able to create trust and transparency with both internal and external stakeholdersRigorous, demanding, organized and meticulous sense of detail

Level Master 1/Master 2 or MBA from University or Business School with strong academic record , you have at least three years of experience in digital project management within the digital department of an advertiser and / or in communications agency.

You have a deep understanding of the digital world and dynamics, and you are passionate about new technologies, social networks, trends and news advertising formats .

Finally, you are comfortable in a multicultural and matrix complex environment , and expert in international coordination (previous experience in an international digital department of a multinational is a plus).


Location: Paris

Contract: fixed-term, one year

From: from the end of November 2017

Job Type: Contract

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