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Product Owner Digital Solutions and Services (m/w)

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Contenu de l'offre Product Owner Digital Solutions and Services (m/w) chez Liebherr-Mining Equipment Colmar SAS

Liebherr-Mining Equipment Colmar SAS, basée à Colmar (France), est un leader mondial dans la fabrication de pelles hydrauliques de 100 à 800 tonnes et de camions diesel-électriques de 100 tonnes pour l'industrie minière.

He/she joins the Digital Team and participates at the global Liebherr Mining Digitalization Journey to create new digital products & services for our customers and for our own value chain in order to strengthen our competitiveness and achieve additional revenue potentials for Liebherr.

He/she is part of our agile Scrum Teams and carve out the maximum output and Return of Investment of the development sprints.


Market watching of best practices in Digitalization and technology Understand the prioritized digital initiatives and customer requirements and define a transparent product backlog for the Development Sprints Responsible for product backlog refinement and transform it into potential digital solutions. Being part of the Scrum Team to perform maximum output from development sprints Ensure tests & validation of solutions together with the Scrum Team and other stakeholders Support the development of business models together with other operations stakeholders Interact and collaborate with other Liebherr divisions in order to maximize reuse of synergies and solutions The position is located in Colmar, open to travel several times/year


Master in computer science, Electronics, Engineering or comparable At least 5 years successful track record in manufacturing industry or software/ consulting , knowledge of manufacturing processes and relevant IT systems Minimum two years experience in digital projects and in the role of Product Owner is mandatory Demonstrated capabilities in Scrum principles and agile software development methodologies and tools (e.g. JIRA, Kanban etc.), knowledge in Design thinking and Design Sprints A strong capability working in interdisciplinary and multi-cultural teams, high ability to communicate Fluency in French and English, German is appreciated
Cpf final 4

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Product Owner Digital Solutions and Services (m/w)
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