Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Senior Product Manager / Project Manager / Presales - Analytics platform - 5years experience

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager / Project Manager / Presales - Analytics platform - 5years experience chez

Senior Product Manager / Project Manager / Presales - Analytics platform - 5+years experience


In an awarded startup in tech, you will be our first Product person (after the Founder). We are looking for an experienced Product / Project Manager and Presales who will ensure we deliver the right features in the shortest time possible.


Focusing engineering time on the right features within the given timeline
Coordinate client implementation projects across departments
Ensure clients satisfaction
Recruit the product team starting with UX UI
Create the presales documentation


Leadership skills: ability to motivate and focus a cross disciplinary team
Ability to write complex documents (project charters, risk registers, request for financing...) in clear and precise language
A natural ability to think in terms of retroplanning and to deliver it anyway
Ability to dig into details, even if they are technical or complex
Experience in managing clients and creating enthousiastic champions

Bonus: previous experience in startup in the field of risk, compliance or ERP type of platform

Track record

Must have created a sticky product used by thousands corporate user
Must have worked in a startup environment

Why joigning

Be part of the pioneer team (first 10) while having 3 years of financial visibility
Exciting challenge: Create a product around a technology that has been rcognized by global leaders
Exciting reward: have BSPCE shares of the company
We care about the human: work directly with the founder, have flexible planning (50% remote), central localisation

About is the leader in the field of NLP applied to large projects; recognized by awards (London CogX AI, UNESCO AI...) and our peers (notably Oracle Construction and Engineering, world leader in large project tools). We have won a deeptech prize with 10M€, hence we are growing rapidly.

Large projects (road, train, energy, bridges, etc) allow for human ambitions. Yet those are threatened by the constant flow of data that overwhelm the teams. Our mission is to leverage project teams with artificial intelligence: to find dispersed information, to detect risks in real time, to capitalise on knowledge from one project to the next. Our clients include: EDF, NGE, Orano, Lynkea, etc.

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Senior Product Manager / Project Manager / Presales - Analytics platform - 5years experience
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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