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China’s Brand & Product Marketing Manager

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Contenu de l'offre China’s Brand & Product Marketing Manager chez Loewe

China’s Brand & Product Marketing Manager


Created in Spain in 1846, LOEWE approaches 175 years as one of the world’s major luxury houses. Since 2013, under LOEWE’s creative director, Jonathan Anderson, the brand has started a new chapter, presenting itself to the world as a house focused on craft and culture; evidenced through an intellectual yet playful approach to fashion, bold and vibrant Spanish lifestyle, and unmatched expertise with leather.

LOEWE has a rich legacy of craftsmanship dating back to its beginnings as a collective workshop and has long valued artisanal techniques in its approach to design and manufacture. These core values are reflected in the brand’s belief in the importance of craft in today’s culture, its modern interpretations of historical artistic achievements and its commitment to supporting contemporary art, craft and culture around the world.

The position

It’s an exciting time to join LOEWE as we go through a period of rapid growth. You will be part of the Marketing and Communication Team, made up of over 60 people based between Paris and Madrid.

Reporting to Global Head of Brand & Product Marketing, you will be covering a new role aimed at enhancing communication and alignment between HQ and China regional team. By better understanding the local needs, you’ll allow the global teams to properly provide support, besides being a key point person in advising for a more effective local strategic MarComms planning.

Role & Responsibilities

Understand Brand strategic priority at global and local level
Cascade priorities with the regional team and design a localized strategic plan
Constantly gather strategic insights – autonomously + working with the local team
Proactive approach in presenting ideas on how to better support the regional business – both in terms of sales and in terms of brand perception
Deep dive into local social media platforms / channels to shape the communication according to required tone of voice & target reach
Analyse key trends
Run competitive research
Support Brand & Product Marketing team on all projects, depending on the need


We are looking for a professional who has:

5+ years of experience in the fashion/luxury industry
Knowledge of Chinese trends & digital context
Chinese & English speaker
Strategic thinker
Proactive / passionate attitude
An intellectual curiosity for fashion, culture, arts, and craft
Team player but with the capacity to be autonomous in work if needed
Strong communication and analytical skills
Able at looking at the big picture without losing attention to detail
Comfortable in using all Microsoft Office programs

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China’s Brand & Product Marketing Manager
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