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Jewelry Product Manager Assistant

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Contenu de l'offre Jewelry Product Manager Assistant chez Loewe

Jewelry Product Manager Assistant

As a Jewelry product manager assistant, you will support the Jewelry Collection Manager in her everyday tasks. From developing to industrializing the Women’s and Men’s Jewelry Collection, you will have a 360 vision of the Jewelry category.

Your everyday tasks will consist of :

· Manage PLM system to create all developments

· Be responsible for the PLM constant update

· Manage Product Follow Up with suppliers for prototypes and repetitions

· Manage the photo archive and the historical archive of the prototypes

· Prepare products and documents for shipping sample lines and prototypes

· Manage the Collection Handover to launch the industrialization of the collection

· Follow the industrialization of collection through launch of masters, lead time and launch of quality tests

· Draft reports to monitor the collection development timing;

· Assist with quality control and filling in the product information sheet;

· Assist in managing special projects

Who you are:

· At least 1-3 years of experience of product management within the Luxury Fashion industry

· Excellent knowledge of Office package, in particular Microsoft Excel, Power Point and PLM information systems

· Fluent in English (both written and spoken)

· Excellent communication interpersonal and teamworking skills

· Organizational skills and ability to handle multiple tasks

About us:

Created in Spain in 1846, LOEWE approaches 175 years as one of the world’s major luxury houses. Since 2013, under LOEWE’s creative director, Jonathan Anderson, the brand has started a new chapter, presenting itself to the world as a house focused on craft and culture; evidenced through an intellectual yet playful approach to fashion, bold and vibrant Spanish lifestyle, and unmatched expertise with leather.

LOEWE has a rich legacy of craftsmanship dating back to its beginnings as a collective workshop and has long valued artisanal techniques in its approach to design and manufacture. These core values are reflected in the brand’s belief in the importance of craft in today’s culture, its modern interpretations of historical artistic achievements and its commitment to supporting contemporary art, craft and culture around the world.

If you think this role is made for you, send us your CV!

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Jewelry Product Manager Assistant
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