Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Intern - Marketing Product Manager Assistant (H/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Intern - Marketing Product Manager Assistant (H/F) chez Maesa


Support as team members to develop and execute the marketing & product development across several beauty brands in the fashion retail channel.

This includes helping support the team on:
Concept development, Creative brainstorming, Competitive analysis, Reviewing artwork, Proofreading, attending project meetings, Timeline follow up's, Supporting the brand managers on formula/fragrance development, Evaluating fragrance submissions including testing in use. You will also help at conducting competitive/Market research and tracking industry trends to identify new product opportunities suitable for each unique brand, and at managing and completing client requests, ie comps, samples etc.

Other learning and experiences as a Maesa intern:
Fragrance training – learn the basics of fragrance evaluation, smell with a perfumer Packaging school – learn the terms and language associate with packaging Press run – attend a printing press run to observe carton production Deep dive into different tiers of the mkt, ie mass/prestige/niche/specialty Store visits Meet industry experts CEW (cosmetic industry organization) functions Visit a lab to learn about formula or candle development Reporting to a Marketing Group Manager


Have a passion for beauty Follows beauty bloggers on social media and YouTube Professional maturity Ability to multitask Organized & Detail-oriented Excellent Communication Skills Positive & 'Can do' Attitude Second or third year in ESSEC, HEC, INSEEC, ESCP, EM LYON, EDHEC or SCIENCES PO, went to a "classe préparatoire". English and French speaking (fluent)

Available in September 2019


> About MAESA
Founded in 1997, Maesa provides innovative, high quality exclusive beauty products, driving value and differentiation for retailers and brand owners. Maesa operates three categories of business – exclusive brands for mass and drug retailers, private label for specialty retailers and outsourcing for beauty brands. Maesa partners with over 80 global customers such as Elizabeth Arden, L'Oreal, Parlux, Pottery Barn, Nocibé, Superdrug, H&M, Primark, Ralph Lauren, Sally Beauty, Target, Banana Republic, The Body Shop, Ulta, Walmart, and Zara. Launching over 3,000 proprietary products a year, Maesa delivers proprietary design, product development, speed-to-market, cost savings, and resource efficiencies. With offices in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Vienna, Dubai, Hong Kong, and Dongguan, Maesa is owned by Bain Capital and its management and employs over 300 team members worldwide.
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Intern - Marketing Product Manager Assistant (H/F)
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