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Contenu de l'offre Junior Test Engineer chez Marin Software

Marin Software has taken our Quality Engineering practices to the next level! Out with the manual testing, in with the 100% automated testing and the continuous integration machine. To help with this transformation, we are looking for an experienced and hands-on Automation Testing Engineer with strong technical skills who has experience in developing and enhancing test automation frameworks.

As Junior Testing Engineer, you will work across our Social Application, Platform and Front-end teams to deliver high-value quality products that customers want with every release. You are the liaison between Product and Development teams and the glue that keeps it together. You have a strong and solid understanding of cross-channel performance advertising cloud geared toward advertisers and agencies.

You’ll be helping build automated testing software to improve quality and performance, actively driving high consistency and high quality from distributed QE teams. You will analyze the code base, extend test coverage and measure key metrics to develop optimal strategies. You will help with optimizing application performance and assessing capacity through homegrown load testing tools.

Roles and Responsibilities

Help manage and grow our UI automation and application framework Work in close collaboration with global QE to deploy a continuous integration and deployment pipeline (that is currently under development) Communicate effectively with Development, Technical Project and Product Management teams on product issues, major and patch releases, quality milestones and feature development Provide timely status updates on QE deliverables and team velocity and automation coverage Review QE automation code while coaching test engineers on engineering best practices and coding quality standards Provide technical mentorship to QE staff Develop measurement criteria to monitor and drive continuous improvements within the QE team Requirements

Fluent in English and French. This includes written, speaking and reading. 1 year experience managing automated testing of distributed systems software Familiarity with industry standard CI and testing tools such as Jenkins, Docker, Selenium, JUnit. Familiarity with development environments utilizing Java and web services. Strong technical efficient process managing, technical planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources to achieve business goals. Strategic thinker and a problem solver: layer questions and really understand the problem at-hand; understand the business and key drivers for success Strong verbal and written communication skills: proven ability to manage both vertically and horizontally to achieve results; thrives in a dynamic, fast-paced, environment and do what it takes to deliver results. Training/Education

Bachelor’s degree (CS, MIS, CIS preferred) or equivalent experience. QA industry certifications are a plus
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Junior Test Engineer
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