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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager, Data & AI chez Mauna Kea Technologies

Mauna Kea Technologies ( ) is a global medical device company dedicated to the development of optical biopsy.

At Mauna Kea, we design, develop, and market innovative tools to visualize biological tissues and characterize their deficiencies at the cellular level.

Our flagship product, Cellvizio®, is an ultra miniaturized laser scanning microscope that provides physicians with real-time, in-situ, high-resolution images of the very interior of organs. Large, international and multicentric clinical trials have demonstrated Cellvizio® 's ability to help physicians more accurately detect early forms of disease and make on the spot decisions for treatment. Cellvizio® is cleared in more than 40 countries for a wide range of applications.

We are based in Paris, with offices in the USA and Asia.

We are currently seeking for a very talented and experienced Product Manager to lead our Data & AI activities.

As part of the Product Development team, you will be responsible for the artificial intelligence branch of our product portfolio - from its design to its launch.

You will work very closely with our customers to understand, analyse, and anticipate their needs.

You are very business oriented and have outstanding product development skills. Your are very knowledgeable about technological innovations in the field of computer-assisted diagnosis.

You are a doer. You set ambitious milestones, and your exceptional leadership allows you to successfully coordinate a multidisciplinary and multicultural team to reach them.

Your key responsibilities will be:

Get to know our customers (mostly based in the US) and understand their needs perfectly - be the voice of customer within the company

In collaboration with our Chief Marketing Officer, build the product roadmap, define the business model and go-to-market strategy

Be accountable for the long-term data/AI strategy and ensure its alignment with the overall corporate strategy

Define the product’s functional specifications, balancing customer expectations with regulatory and technical constraints

Identify the needs in terms of resources, budget and external skills to implement the roadmap

Identify and choose the right partner(s) and/or service provider(s) necessary to implement the roadmap

Coordinate a multidisciplinary and multicultural team

Prioritize tasks and deliver high quality work in short time frames

Ensure fluid and transparent communication within Mauna Kea, and between Mauna Kea and external partners

Carry out business intelligence analysis and keep track of the market evolution, competitors, and any other relevant information in the field of computer-aided diagnosis that could impact the project

Your profile:

Master’s degree in Business or Engineering. Double degree in Business & Engineering is preferred.

Excellent level of French/ English (written and oral)

Min 3 years of experience in product management, with expertise in new product development

Min 3 years of experience in the medical device industry, ideally in medical imaging / diagnostic software

Experience in managing complex projects in a multicultural environment / abroad (experience working in the United States is a plus)

Excellent interpersonal skills, very good communication and presentation skills

Very strong business and product acumen

Autonomous, focused, organized, efficient, determined, resilient, tenacious, pragmatic and analytical

In-depth knowledge of regulatory strategy and artificial intelligence algorithms in medical imaging is a plus

Ready to be based in Paris and ability to travel up to 50% of the time (mainly in the United States)

Ready to take up the challenge? YOU might be the one we are looking for!

Do not miss this fantastic opportunity to work in direct contact with professionals passionate about their work, and to revolutionize the daily lives of many specialists and the future of millions of patients.

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Product Manager, Data & AI
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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