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Product Manager, OR Sterilization, Diagnostics, Equipment & Furnishings

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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager, OR Sterilization, Diagnostics, Equipment & Furnishings chez Medline Europe

Product Manager, OR Sterilization, Diagnostics, Equipment & Furnishings


To strengthen our divisions, Medline is seeking a dynamic and hard-working candidate for the position of European Product Manager OR Sterilization, Diagnostics, Equipment & Furnishings Divisions.

The Product Manager is responsible for the sales growth and profitability of the product portfolio across Europe. In this role you will develop strategic collaboration with various departments across the organization including sales, marketing, QARA, operations, and supply chain and manage the product portfolio as if it where your own business by developing ways to sell the product portfolio.

Activities & Responsibilities

Responsible for managing and maintaining existing business and developing new business opportunities by expanding the product portfolio and launching new products Identify and launch new products that will drive sales growth Negotiate with suppliers to deliver cost-effective products to customers Establish a pricing policy per product line Ensure the industry’s most advanced quality control protocols are rigorously implemented at every stage of the supply chain Use market data and developments to identify and implement improvements in current products and develops plan to introduce new products Streamlines product portfolio Work with sales team to prepare and win major opportunities Provides input to the division strategy Analyse sales reports and proposes action plans to support sales and profitable growth Develop training programs, marketing materials and sales plan for the sales team in order to drive sales of the product portfolio Line manage the Product Manager OR, Gemini, Diagnostics, Equipment & Furnishings Lead, develop and manage the direct report. Continuously provide them with timely, candid and constructive performance feedback. Develop employee to their fullest potential and provide opportunities that enhance employee career growth. Recognise and reward employee for accomplishments.

Job Requirements

Bachelor’s degree in business, marketing or healthcare 10+ years of experience in a product management and/or marketing related role Strong entrepreneurial mindset Strong presentation and communication skills – ability to articulate ideas and support them with sound arguments Very good analytical and problem solving skills Good Excel skills for finance analysis and forecasting Ability to work successfully in interdisciplinary teams and in a multicultural environment Maintains relationships across a variety of functions and locations. Draws upon multiple relationships to exchange ideas, resources and know-how Fluent in English – an additional European language is a plus Ability and willingness to travel up to 30% of the time in Europe

Our Offer

Comprehensive onboarding by experienced colleagues - An individually tailored onboarding plan and fixed contacts so you can be off to a great start An attractive remuneration package including a company pension plan – Setting you up for a successful retirement is important to us A range of training opportunities – We actively support you in your development Employee Assistance Programme – So that your mental well-being is taken care of Flexible working options – To make your work flexible and productive. Additional local benefits – Depending on where you would like to be based.


Ready to join a game changing employer? We would love to hear from you!


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Product Manager, OR Sterilization, Diagnostics, Equipment & Furnishings
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