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Contenu de l'offre Product Owner Intern chez Meero

Paris (75) Stage

During this internship you will be part of our Product team, helping create the most amazing, scalable and reliable product, while solving our users problems.

Your responsibilities will range from interviewing users, organising internal product communication, making sure that key information is timely spread to our stakeholders and evaluating competitors products.

WHAT YOU’LL DO Help improve the product team internal communication strategy Manage internal product communication through monthly update & Product KPI report Interviewing customers and teams to find pain points unknown today Act as customer advocate, provide voice of the customer during internal discussions Be an advocate for simplicity, style, beauty, usability and customer centric design in every product discussion

Preferred experience


Amazing offices in the center of Paris A Senior Product Specialist dedicated to make you happy and teach you product stuff on a daily basis Evolving in a hyper growth environment Daily chat with collaborators coming +40 different countries Internal monthly product trainings to improve and share your product competencies


You are currently in an Engineering or Business School looking for a 6+ months internship You want to work in Product Management and learn its secrets Great oral and written communication skills (French & English). Ability to understand and find the root others problems (customers, teams, developers). Exceptional attention to detail, rigorous. Technology enthusiast with a hacking mindset Thrive in a variable and demanding scale up environment Excellent teamwork and collaborative skills You are extremely proactive, curious & rigorous, with the ability to own various projects at the same time Someone who’s fun, ambitious but humble

Recruitment process


Interview with your future manager & another team member Speero interview to make sure you’re aligned with Meero’s spirit & values Welcome on board!
Cpf final 4

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Product Owner Intern
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