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Product Manager - Software & Automation m/f

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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager - Software & Automation m/f chez Merck KGaA

A career at Merck is an ongoing journey of discovery: our 50,000 people are shaping how the world lives, works and plays through next generation advancements in healthcare, life science and performance materials. For 350 years and across the world we have passionately pursued our curiosity to find novel and vibrant ways of enhancing the lives of others.

Your role :

Do you notice inefficiencies in how things work? Do you find yourself facilitating discussions, bridging 2 people saying the same thing in different ways and not realizing it? Are you curious and thinking of new ways to apply technology to solve everyday problems? Do you have a background in Life Sciences? If yes we are looking for talented people to join our expanding team.

You are working with internal and external customers to elicit workflows, business processes to control biopharma process development and GMP manufacturing and translating these into requirements. This includes representing the customer on development teams and working closely with our solution Architects to understand and shape the technical solutions we select. You are scouting for new technologies to solve our customers BioManufacturing/ Process Development challenges. Experts in the products we develop and effectively communicate how they work and their value to our customers.

Who you are :
A Life or Computer Sciences Bachelor’s Degree with at least 3 years’ experience in BioPharmaceutical Process Development or Manufacturing Product Management experience with at least 1 major development projects with part or all of that with software or automation products Experienced in eliciting customer requirements and translating these to Functional Specifications using clear and concise writing skills Experienced and effective in working across boundaries and functions Knowledge of FDA Regulatory Issues for the Pharmaceutical and Biologics, specifically cGMP, GAMP, and CFR is preferred Willing to Travel
What we offer: At Merck, there are always opportunities to break new ground. We empower you to fulfil your ambitions, and our diverse businesses offer various career moves to seek new horizons. We trust you with responsibility early on and support you to draw your own career map that is responsive to your aspirations and priorities in life. Join us and bring your curiosity to life!

Curious? Apply and find more information at
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Product Manager - Software & Automation m/f
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