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Contenu de l'offre Global Product Manager H/F chez Motul

Motul recherche …
Responsible for managing Product, Offers, Projects portfolio, Go-to-Market (with other functions and BUs) and business impact and launch success.


Business impact of Offer :

- Understanding of Group ambition.
- Competitor and Road to Market deep understanding.
- Insight and USP definition with other Functions and BUs.
- Overall steering of category / launch impact.

Product Development :
Responsible for identifying, managing and delivering a portfolio of projects, with regard to :
New product development,
Product modifications,
Supply Chain and procurement initiatives,
Health, Safety, Security & Environment compliance directives.

Portfolio Management :

- Monitors and manages the lifecycle of products, Stock-Keeping Units (SKUs) and offer including :.
Product positioning,
Launches and communications,
Claims and demos - OEMs and specifications,
Competitor and industry trends,
Proposes and implements measures to improve and optimize the ranges' profitability
Training - Internal, distributors and customers with regard to product and offers.
Product Line Administration :
- Ensures all products are commercially available in line with business expectations.
- Transfers pricing lists are available and updated regularly.
- SKU portfolio is actively managed.
- Product Data and Material Safety Sheets meet claims and legal requirements.

Technical Support :

- Expert supports to Key accounts, distributors and internal stakeholders.
- Co-ordinates/Participates in technical support issues around customer complaints with regard to quality, performance.

Management :

- Demonstrates leadership and capacity to with business and other marketing mix leaders.
- Works efficiently in a matrix organization.
- Proposes and leads product and service innovation.


- Conducts ad hoc projects as requested.
Cpf final 4

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Global Product Manager H/F
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