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Group Senior B2B Customer Platform Product Owner (F/M)

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Contenu de l'offre Group Senior B2B Customer Platform Product Owner (F/M) chez MOTUL

Group Senior B2B Customer Platform Product Owner (F/M)


As the B2B E-commerce Customer Platform Product Owner, you will be responsible for leading the development and management of a customer-centric B2B e-commerce platform. This role involves understanding the needs and requirements of B2B customer segments, prioritizing features, and working closely with BU key users, partners and SAP team to ensure the successful delivery of a robust and user-friendly platform.

The B2B E-commerce Customer Platform Product Owner plays a crucial role in delivering a platform that meets the specific needs of business customers, drives revenue growth, and ensures a seamless and satisfying user experience. This position requires a combination of strategic thinking, customer empathy, technical understanding, and effective cross-functional collaboration.

Global Responsibilities

1. Product Strategy and Vision:

Develop and communicate a clear product vision and strategy for the B2B e-commerce customer platform.
Understand market trends, industry best practices, and competitor offerings to shape the platform's roadmap.
Lead integration of Marketing Automation B2B journeys and segmentation ( based on Dynamics Customer Insights)

2. Customer Focus:

Act as the voice of the customer, gathering and analyzing feedback, NPS and data dashboards to identify customer segments needs and pain points.
Collaborate with Key Users to understand their requirements and tailor the platform to country channels specific needs.
Ensure quality of dynamic product catalogs and master data
Imrpove quality of product recommendation to customer segments

3. Roadmap Planning:

Define and prioritize features, enhancements, and projects based on business objectives and customer feedback.
Create a product roadmap that aligns with the company's goals and strategy.

4. Cross-functional Collaboration:

Work closely with SAP team and external devops team to ensure successful product delivery.
Foster strong communication and collaboration between teams to ensure alignment.
Ensure training of key users and governance of L1/L2 support/incidents

5. User Experience (UX) and Design:

Collaborate with UX/UI designers of B2C webplatform to create new design and headless experience
Ensure a seamless and engaging customer experience between B2C and B2B platform

6. Development Management:

Define user stories, acceptance criteria, and feature specifications.
Oversee the Agile development process of external devops team, including sprint planning, backlog grooming, and release management of Intershop Platform
Oversee architecture improvements incl. middleware, CMS management and catalog management

7. Testing and Quality Assurance:

Coordinate with QA teams and Key Users to ensure rigorous testing of new features and improvements.
Conduct usability testing to gather feedback for further refinement.

8. Performance Metrics and Analytics:

Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of the platform ( Order ratio and NPS)
Use Google Analytics and Hotjar to gather data for data-driven decision making.


Education: Bachelor's degree in the field of information systems, or project management, business school is a plus


Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, or a related field (MBA preferred).
Proven experience as a Product Owner or similar role in B2B e-commerce or technology.
Deep understanding of B2B e-commerce trends and customer needs.
Strong project management and Agile development skills.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Analytical and data-driven approach to decision-making.
Familiarity with e-commerce technologies and tools.
Knowledge of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design principles.
Knowledge and experience in Order to cash process, customer service/supply chain
Knowledge of SAP is a big plus


English, French and Spanish is a plus



- Intershop E-Commerce, SAP, WSO2

- Proficiency in basic Microsoft applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio, Outlook)

- Knowledge and experience with the following tools, disciplines and processes is appreciated: Jira, Asana


- Project Management

- Customer focus: provides exceptional customer service skills to direct and indirect customers. An excellent understanding of business user needs is essential

- Seamless Communication: Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively with all levels of the organization

- Continuous learning: demonstrates desire and ability to develop new technology skills, business knowledge and customer service capabilities through training, experimentation, and self-study (e.g., Fiori, SAP Cloud Platform),

- Strong analytical skills

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Group Senior B2B Customer Platform Product Owner (F/M)
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