Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Apprenticeship - Product Manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Apprenticeship - Product Manager H/F chez Netatmo

Netatmo recherche …
What we do?

We develop groundbreaking, intuitive and beautifully-designed connected consumer electronics. Truly smart, our innovative products provide a seamless experience that helps users create a safer, healthier and more comfortable & eco-friendly home.

We carefully design the mechanics, electronics and embedded software of all our products to the highest standards. Our mobile and web applications are designed to BE simple to operate, yet deliver a rich user experience.

We also collaborate with strategic partners to revolutionize your home : Velux (window), Muller (electrical radiator), Engie, Vaillant (Boilers)

Since November 2018, Netatmo has become a part of the Legrand group a global leader in electrical and digital infrastructure for buildings, with millions of users all over the world.

We continue to develop our brand and products autonomously.

Who are we ?

Netatmo is first and foremost the story of talented people coming together and working on a common project. Our purpose is not only to create beautifully designed products but also to build a beautiful company.

We look to create a real community that shares more than just work projects, because everyone's fulfillment is essential to us and creativity isn't always born behind a desk.

We are looking for an apprentice to assist our Product Management team with the launch of our new product !

As a Product Manager you are responsible for one of the products in our range. You work closely with our talented engineers, giving them the product vision, defining the development roadmap and priorities, testing the product and finally launching IT into the IoT market.

Among your missions, you will :
- Help develop the mobile applications, and ensure that each screen is user friendly, clear and coherent.
- Organize the beta tests and BE a key actor in solving bugs.
- Follow the industrialization process and the quality checks of the first batches.
- BE responsible for the user experience and help put in place a flawless customer support.
- Collaborate with the Marketing team to ensure a successful product launch.

- You have an engineering academic background and you are looking for a one year apprenticeship starting in 2023.
- You understand the technical concepts of software development, sensors, hardware development, logistics and supply chain.
- You combine analytical and practical sense. You are solution oriented.
- You like (and manage !) to get results.
- You are fluent in English (oral & written) and in French.
- You have a deep understanding of ergonomics and have a strong user empathy.
- You have a strong will to create the best possible user experience for our customers.
- You are able to lead end-to-end projects.
Cpf final 4

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Apprenticeship - Product Manager H/F
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