Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Product Marketing Manager – Building and Energy Segment

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Contenu de l'offre Product Marketing Manager – Building and Energy Segment chez NXP Semiconductors

Product Marketing Manager – Building and Energy Segment

Business Unit Description

As a product marketing manager, you will report to the Director of Product Marketing, Building and Energy (B&E), to grow the global B&E business for the Industrial Edge Processing product line.  You will partner with NXP salespeople to build deep relationships with top segment focus customers, and leverage lessons learned to win in the mass market. This will require collaboration across NXP business lines, regional sales teams and external partners, to develop B&E segment-focused messages and solutions that are shared across all conduits, e.g., mass market channels, web, publications, press, events, partner joint marketing, and social media.  You will collaborate with other business lines to define and launch B&E segment-level development platforms, with global market campaigns for applications such as EV charging, microgrid elements, building management, metering, and connectivity. You will contribute market-specific knowledge and customer feedback to the definition of new microprocessor and microcontroller products and solutions for the Edge Processing business unit.

Job Summary:

You will develop and communicate segment-focused messages and solutions for target building and energy applications.
You will gather feedback from your partner and customer base, to provide input to the roadmap for future microprocessor and microcontroller products and solutions.
You will track and ensure execution of your plans, while clearly communicating changes to customers and internal teams, and driving corrective actions where needed.
Your work will be with diverse world-wide teams and customers.

Job Qualifications:

Bachelor of Engineering or Science degree (Electrical or related discipline)
10 years of experience, 5 years in the semiconductor industry
Experience working with Building and Energy customers and partners
Experience developing business case and market analysis
Experience with embedded software, including Linux and real-time OS
Excellent written and oral communications
Detail and action oriented

More information about NXP in France...


Location: Sophia-Antipolis

Type: Full time

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Product Marketing Manager – Building and Energy Segment
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