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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Oh BiBi

Position Duties

Oh BiBi is looking for a Product Manager with proven Free to play game experience. You will join the cross-functional FRAG Pro Shooter team (70 million players) to help it grow even further !

You should be collaborative, humble, ambitious and self-motivating. You should have a strong understanding of games, Free to Play and Monetisation. You'll be working closely within a development team, reporting to our Game Lead and helping him develop new features and systems.

While this position is for candidates with proven Product Management expertise, we would also consider strong Designers or Analysts that would like to progress into a Product role.

Dive deeply into our game and develop an expert knowledge of the economy and systems
Help develop new features and systems for our mobile title that will improve monetisation, engagement, retention and virality
Be a key player in the product development, strategic vision, and business operations of FRAG Pro Shooter
Explore the best opportunities for the game keeping an eye on commercial outcomes and player experience
Be an expert in understanding the players ; identifying strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for growth in the game experience.
Work with the developers to define, plan, and iterate game features to a high-quality standard.

Candidate Profile

Experience working on a successful mobile F2P game
Experience of working in a live operation setting
Strong understanding of game economy
Strong quantitative analysis skills and the ability to refine hypotheses/model by digging into user data and iteratively improving metrics
Ability to write clear and concise specs for new features
Ability to understand and think creatively about the most engaging and profitable game mechanics and themes
Hands-on and impact-driven you focus on results and the desire to make the best games possible
Excellent communication skills
Humble attitude
Fluency in English is required

Cpf final 4

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Product Manager
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