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Inbound Product Manager EMEA (f/m/d) - Container Handling Units

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Contenu de l'offre Inbound Product Manager EMEA (f/m/d) - Container Handling Units chez PALFINGER

Caussade (82)

Your tasks and responsibilities:

Manage Container Handling product line offer, in relation with internal functions, and EMEA distribution network. Manage Product life cycle, and Quality/Pricing positioning, in order to create a competitive edge on the market. Define targets regarding cost and quality (together with Chief Engineer) Monitor product performance with focus on cost saving and continuous technical improvement Support Global Product Management strategy. Job-specific & disciplinary leadership of Product Management. Recommend strategically product development and evolution, for decision making, aiming at growth and profitability in relation close link with CoE (Center of Excellence), and LSE (Local System Engineering). Translate customer needs into requirements for R&D, ensures technical feasibility and monitors product performance. Actively support introduction of new products in the region, and new distribution channel’s specific product offering. Strongly influence pricing strategy (Define MPL (Master Price List) Supervise part of data management related to product offer. Support organization of trade fairs, and communication toward market. Lead technical training of sales force. Manage T&S process to structure market feedback, in relation with ASM (Area Sales Manager), GPM (Global Product Manager)… Support Marketing activities, providing inputs (Function, technical, applications…).

Your qualifications:

Minimum Bachelor Engineering degree with 5 years’ experience in related field. Product knowledge in Hookloader and Skiploader is a must, broad technical culture appreciated. Strong customer focus Decision making strong ability, linked with good “influencing” skills. Fluent in English, & French (written and oral), German speaking appreciated. Able to structure complex issues. Good economical understanding. Team-Player with communication skills (in speech and writing), organisation talent, good negotiations skills result and market orientation.

We offer you:

The classic French compensation package Good health insurance and life insurance partially covered by the company Housing assistance Additional vacation days Interest in the company's results

If you need further information for this job position contact Mr Didier SARRELONGUE ( and send your applications to HR Manager (

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Inbound Product Manager EMEA (f/m/d) - Container Handling Units
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