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Bio Mechanical / Bio Medical Test Engineer

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Contenu de l'offre Bio Mechanical / Bio Medical Test Engineer chez Panaxium

Bioelectronic Medicine – Defeating disease at the microscale
The latest advancements in material science and microelectronics enable us to address challenges presented by many diseases and medical conditions down to the cellular level. Through the development of new targeted bioelectronic devices that exploit the intrinsic micro-electrophysiological properties of the human body, we can greatly improve treatment of many medical conditions, while extending quality of life and providing freedom from intrusiveness conventional systemic therapies. It is our singular focus and dedicated passion to provide these innovations to physicians for the benefit of patients.

Our Team
Panaxium is a new and rapidly-growing bio-electronic medicine company aiming to create new paradigms for the way we treat disease. A revolutionary approach to medicine requires bold creativity, precision, a desire for improving lives, and the audacity to believe we can continuously challenge and improve the science of healing. Above all else, we value collaboration, because we realize that this endeavour requires pressing the boundary of scientific knowledge.

We are comprised of a multidisciplinary team of internationally-renowned scientists, including experts in organic bioelectronics and leaders in the fields of chemistry, materials science, electrical engineering, systems design, electronic engineering, data science, biology, and microtechnology. We have joined together, coming from top research groups at universities and labs around the world, to solve some of the most difficult and important problems in medicine.

The Successful Candidate will:

Be a key member of the rapidly-growing Product Development team, whose primary responsibility will be creating test & validation programs to verify and advance the performance of Panaxium’s proprietary organic bio-electronics platform. Provide guidance to the design team to ensure that design specifications are adequately written to support verification activities. Become familiar with and stay current on relevant medical device standards and regulations Demonstrates applicable experience with performing Finite Element Analysis and root-cause analysis of our organic bio-electronic products. Have the ability to work within a team of electronics engineers and scientific managers to determine causes of failures and actively propose solutions. Design, maintain and manage biocompatibility test plans and reports. Design and manage sterilization validation activities. Design tests to determine device stability including accelerated life time testing, reliability and durability. Is enthusiastic about contributing their own expertise while learning from a multidisciplinary team, including neuro-technologists and material scientists.

To Apply
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Bio Mechanical / Bio Medical Test Engineer
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