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Contenu de l'offre Product Merchandising Manager chez Pandora

Product Merchandising Manager

****Aucunes candidatures ne sera traitées du 1er aout au 19 aout inclus****

The Merchandise Manager’s primary purpose is to ensure the global assortment reflects the cluster needs and lead sales forecasting process for the Western Europe business. Provide best estimates of product needs using historical data, sales trends, and the cluster business plan.

To be the eyes and ears of the customer for the GO and ensure the cluster needs are clear from an assortment line plan.

Responsible for executing and communicating strategic merchandise assortment plans that support the financial objectives of the stores.

Responsible for reviewing and give input to Open-to-Buy plans.

Ensure excellent execution across all touch points of the go to market strategy.

•            Assess and adopt global assortment and ensure local development needs are incorporated

•            Lead meetings to review the categories with internal stakeholders in the clusters and Global Merchandising team, ensuring consistency in the plan execution

•            Lead cluster Buy review and define investment of the product (E2 forecasts in line with OTB budget)

•            Drive operational excellence to improve full price sell through of product by closely monitoring sales and creating action plans

•            Achieve sales, inventory, and adoption KPI’s

•            Lead voice in communicating variances to plan and LY based on historical data and plans from OTB

•            Lead peers to be experts in the forecasts and review of the weekly performance.

•            Balance logic and magic in always presenting a balanced view of plans financially and product focused

•            Active collaboration with allocation and demand planning in the cluster

•            Ensure merchandising, marketing, and retail marketing, and sales operations teams have thorough communications about the Trading Line Up and Go to Market initiatives

•            Always protect the brand framework

•            Lead local pricing discussion(retail & wholesale)

•            Own product life cycle and end of season exit strategies


•            Fashion Merchandising, Business, Marketing, Supply Planning

•            5-8+ years merchandising, planning, and allocation and demand planning experience

•            2-3 years managerial experience and talent development

•            Open to Buy management experience

•            In Store, commercial experience a plus (Store Leader)

•            Strong command of English language

•            Relentlessly commercial

•            Strong communicator and powerful point of view

•            Team player with strong conviction

•            Analytical whiz and strong merchant eye

•            Not put off by details

•            Fact based decision maker

•            Collaborative

•            Self Aware

•            Teacher and Coach

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Product Merchandising Manager
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