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Contenu de l'offre Digital Web Project Manager chez Premier Tech

Your mission

Develop successful web solutions that are used worldwide! As a digital project manager - web strategist, you will play an important role in the digitalization of our Customer Experience and the commercialization of our sustainable local solutions that protect the Water and Environment of thousands of people.

Your future team

Premier Tech Water and Environment is a leader in wastewater treatment, rainwater management and organic waste recycling. As part of our global digital team, your expertise will serve the sales, client solutions and marketing teams, located in 12 countries.

Your future role in a few words

Lead the migration of our +25 worldwide current websites under one domain name and with our new CMS Drupal: You provide the architecture, resources, tools and guidance; our local teams provide content in multiple languages. Create web and digital solutions to facilitate customer journeys and ease our client-facing business processes in our 12 countries (You will team up with a bunch of internal experts: developers, designers, Salesforce, IT…) Build insights and performance solutions. Your colleagues in advertising, e-commerce and social media will not be able to do without your mastery of OKRs and data! Implement tools for projects and tasks management with sales and marketing teams Create tutorials, guidelines, procedures and a community of practice to help our local marketing and content teams to master their destiny with the Drupal CMS and the Salesforce suite.

What it takes to succeed in this role

Broad experience and in-depth knowledge with digital ecosystems: CMS, SEO, E-Commerce, Hot-Jar, Google Analytics, Data Studio, Tag Manager, Search Console, MyBusiness, CRM, collaborative work tools… No need for programming or paid media expertise. Nor do you need to know the Drupal CMS. But it would be an asset, for sure! Embrace our philosophy of sustainable development and inbound marketing. What matters is to facilitate our customers experience with their eco-building and renovation projects. Advanced English (C1) is the minimum requirement. You will be working with American, Irish, German, Swedish, Indian, Portuguese team members... Desired soft skills: insightful, ability to influence, ingenuity and empathy.

This position can be located close to any of our main business places in

Canada (Rivière-du-loup, Québec or Montréal), France (Châteauneuf-d’Ille-et-Vilaine), Germany (Boizenburg), Portugal (Montijo) UK (Peterlee), or, United-States (Quakertown).

After reading this opportunity, you're eager to learn more = Apply directly online. We look forward to receiving your application!

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Digital Web Project Manager
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