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Contenu de l'offre Product Owner UX UI chez Presans

Building the future of work in an extraordinary startup; Combining excellence and impertinence; Mixing grey hairs and young hackers; Working in a huge creative community of entrepreneurs; Being open-minded, loving to think & being challenged; Loving urban exploration (especially underground  ). WHEN & HOW TO APPLY
Starting Date: ASAP
Type of Contract: Permanent (CDD – CDI)
Place: Paris, France
Remuneration: depending on experience
Apply by email : CV + cover leter at

UX/UI techniques experience Technical linguo and high level architecture understanding Experience with agile method would be appreciated (Scrum, Kanban, Lean Startup, etc)
Testing techniques (A/B Testing, etc) UML Diagrams appreciated PRODUCT OWNER / UX UI
At the crossroads of operations, users and development
team, you understand and carry the CEO vision. You are

responsible for making this vision come true by organizing
the development steps, prioritizing them, providing

development team with the requirements and you will
insure they are crafted as expected.

With a strong customer centric sense and seasoned
experience in UX and UI design you will be in charge of
designing the application, the corporate blog and the

corporate website.
Using website design best practices such as personas or

user journeys, you will redefne the global design as well as
the workfow to make the best possible user experience.


The raison d’être of Presans is to:
“build on-demand teams of top-level talents for open


Startup from the Ecole Polytechnique founded in 2008,
based in Paris, Presans is a digital platform designed to

engage on-demand teams of international leading experts
to shed light on technological and industrial innovation


At Presans, we leverage big data and artificial
intelligence to organize global expertise and make it


Our vision of the future of work:


As a Product Owner you will be responsible for:
Defning development milestones and their content Designing user experience and screen workfow Providing R&D and development team with requirements and corresponding documentation
Designing user stories, handle personas and user stories acceptance
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