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Contenu de l'offre Product Marketing Manager H/F chez PriceHubble

PriceHubble recherche …
PriceHubble is a PropTech company, set to radically improve the understanding and transparency of real estate markets based on data-driven insights. We aggregate and analyze a wide variety of data, run big data analytics, and use state-of-the-art machine learning to generate stable and reliable valuations and predictive analytics for the real estate market. We are headquartered in Zürich, with offices in Paris, Berlin, Hamburg, Prague, Vienna, Amsterdam, London, and Tokyo. We work on international markets, are backed by world-class investors, and treasure a startup environment with low bureaucracy, high autonomy and focus on getting things done.

As a Product Marketing Manager, you will BE part of PriceHubble's Marketing Team. Your mission will BE to help shape, implement, and grow the product marketing function at PriceHubble. You will work directly with our Product Marketing Lead to bridge the gap between Marketing, Product Management, and Sales, delivering market information and creating materials that are guaranteed to make our customers pay attention. In this role, you will leverage your experience in marketing and will get to take ownership of various projects.

- You will understand our target customers, their needs and pain points within your responsible area
- You will help develop positioning and messaging for our innovative solutions in order to gain a competitive edge.
- In addition, you will develop meaningful marketing and sales content that will enable us to target the right customer with the right set of information and materials for the specific stage of the buying journey like sales decks, collaterals etc.
- You will listen carefully and cooperate with the sales community to consistently improve the quality of our content.
- You will develop go-to-market strategies and marketing plans, manage product release updates. Including the delivery of end-to-end marketing campaigns.
- Together with the relevant stakeholders including Marketing Communications, Product Managers, Customer Success, and Sales, you drive cross-functional implementation of your plans.
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Product Marketing Manager H/F
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