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Contenu de l'offre Senior Test Engineer chez QuEST Global Engineering

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About QuEST:

For more than 20 years, QuEST Global has been a trusted global product engineering and lifecycle services partner to many of the world’s most recognized companies in industries such as Aero Engines, Aerospace & Defense, Hi-Tech, Transportation (Automotive and Rail), Power and Industrial, Oil & Gas and Medical Devices. Spread across 72 locations in 14 countries and offering services and solutions that enable customers to ‘Create the Frontier’ by improving their business’ top & bottom line and reducing time-to-market, QuEST has been at the forefront of the convergence of mechanical, electronics, software and digital engineering innovations. With passionate professionals collaborating across borders, QuEST is a winning organization for all its employees with infinite opportunities to learn, innovate and grow.

Domain: Rail domain (preferably in systems similar to TCMS) Experienced in working on rail safety standards e.g. EN50128 Architecture Experienced in analysing Platforms to understand software Architecture Hands on experience in performing software Architecture verification Ability to understand and analyse SMDS documentation in French Testing Experience 8+ years of experience in Component testing and Software-Software Integration Testing in Rail domain (preferably in systems similar to TCMS) Experience in setting up test environment , Test Bench set up Experience in handling Library for Test scripts maintenance Ability to perform Software-Software Integration Testing Hands on experience on Unit Testing, Component Testing Hands on experience in scripting knowledge( C#, etc) Experienced in test execution, capturing Test results and publish Test Reports Experience in Tools execution ( BT MITRAC tools) Requirement Management and documentation Experienced in Requirement management tools like DOORS Good hands on for Technical Documentation Other Skills Good coordination and communication skills to work with multiple stakeholders Ability to manage change and requirement volatility Work across teams in multiple geographies

DISCLAIMER: Due to the nature of work candidates should be UK citizen/ EU Citizen/ Valid work permit holder. For further information contact us on:

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