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Experienced Product Manager - Filter - Fircosoft - Paris

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Contenu de l'offre Experienced Product Manager - Filter - Fircosoft - Paris chez Reed Business Information

Experienced Product Manager Location: Paris
To support our growth, Fircosoft is currently recruiting an Experienced Product Manager – focusing on the current and next generation of our transaction screening solutions.
This permanent role is based in our HQ in Paris, France.
Your Responsibilities
Champion of your solutions both internally and externally, you role is to provide value to our customers and to the market – via design and get-to-market strategies - through meaningful features that meet current and future user needs. You will be responsible for the Firco Filter engine and related functionalities, including detection, quality assurance, and communication with other applications.
As such, you will : Be responsible for managing the lifecycle of the filter a under your responsibility, from creation, design, validation with clients and the market, production, release through to retirement Monitor risk and compliance trends to gather market knowledge – including on competition. Own the product vision, engaging with users and stakeholders to gather and refine market requirements, recommending new features and product ideas under your responsibility Focus on identifying cross functional areas of progress towards our end state of compliance insights, with particular focus on watch list detection, transliteration, false positive reduction, and integration within other bricks of our portfolio. Be responsible for the roadmap of the Firco Filter, prioritizing product backlog to provide most value with quickest time to market. Contribute content, validate specifications and interim deliveries, and provide acceptance criteria. In particular, you’ll work hand in hand with Business Analysts responsible for specifying the features, transferring market/business/user knowledge on a continuous basis. Work with the Product Technology team to identify delivery options that provide best balance, and ensuring day to day contact with production team to make timely and high quality delivery happen. Provide Sales, Professional Service, Marketing, Innovation and Training teams with necessary functional expertise to enable them to sell and promote the product. Ensure continuous communication with fellow Product Managers of your team, to commonly build solutions that reach our product vision. Contribute ideas for improvements to the product management process and infrastructure and strive to continually improve the process.

Required Experience
University degree, with 5 years of experience as software product management, or professional services experience in compliance field. Experience in working with distributed teams in an international and multicultural environment. English language mandatory (the team is international, English is the common language in the company), French an appreciated plus. A previous experience in dealing with customers in a consultant role is a plus Experience of agile methodologies a plus Passionate about software products, and taking innovative products to market Not afraid of ‘technical’ solutions – proficient knowledge of principles of relational databases vs nosql databases, algorithm or mathematical skills a plus Creative with superior problem solving skills Customer focused, with good ability to imagine high-value / must-haves features from rest Strong analysis and design skills – with ability to simplify and structure complex ideas
Your Team As part of the Product Management team, and reporting to the Head of Solutions – Risk & Compliance, you will be collaborating with other product managers, product technology teams and our sales & consultants, as well as with our clients externally.

Our Company
FircoSoft is the recognized market leader of watch list screening solutions for financial institutions and corporates. Over 700 customers including 9 of the world’s top 10 financial institutions rely on Fircosoft to filter transactions and customers against sanctions, PEPs (Politically Exposed Persons) and FEPs (Financially Exposed Persons) lists to ensure compliance with regulations on terrorist financing, embargoes, sanctions, and meet Know Your Customer (KYC) and customer due diligence (CDD) requirements. In addition to its leading software solutions Firco Continuity for real-time transaction screening, and Firco Trust and Firco Due Diligence for counterparty screening, FircoSoft also offers a service, Firco List Service, to manage, update and validate a financial institution’s specific selection of sanctions lists.
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Experienced Product Manager - Filter - Fircosoft - Paris
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