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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Remedee Labs

Récapitulatif du poste

The Product Manager is in charge of defining and managing Remedee’s products and services lines, as well as defining the collateral for the promotion of the products.

Responsabilités et missions

Through sales insight, market research, competitive analysis and collaboration with the internal teams, the Product Manager will identify and define the product lines. The role is about keeping everyone aligned towards the objectives of the product and managing the short term and long term priorities.

The Product Manager will lead the product/services roadmap in order to fulfil the current and future customer needs and ensure the overall achievement of product objectives. This requires a thorough understanding of the B2C market (particularly wearables and e-health).

Further to identifying the set of products, the Product Manager will be in charge of defining the elements of the collateral required to present these, and will work with the internal teams to produce the collateral. This includes developing messaging for local, regional and global campaigns that can be effectively used across departments and by international partners.

The Product Manager will be expected to assist the sales in the presentation of the offers, at direct customer meetings and at industry events. Similarly the Product Manager will organize and lead Customers Beta Tests and help teams supporting customers requests.

Remedee Labs will operate globally and it is therefore mandatory that the candidate has substantial experience from global businesses and is preferably multi-lingual.

Qualifications et compétences

The candidate must have strong communication and collaboration skills since the role requires very close collaboration with internal teams, especially the technical and project management teams, as well as with the brand management of Remedee Labs.

Experience from similar jobsProfound interest and knowledge of B2C marketsHas an intimate understanding of the consumer base and what is important to themStrong communication & collaboration skillsFluent English mandatory, muti-lingual as a plusIndependent & pro-activeAbility to drive a task from A to Z


Participer à une aventure unique, pour un vrai "game changer" !

Excellente couverture sociale par une grande mutuelle

Allocation d'actions à tous les collaborateurs.

Localisation au pied des pistes : )

Type d'emploi : CDI

Expérience exigée :

Product Management : 5 ans
Cpf final 4

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Product Manager
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