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Contenu de l'offre Credit Products Manager - France chez Revolut

Credit Products Manager - France


The credit department at Revolut designs, develops and launches credit products across multiple countries.

As we do this from scratch we have complete responsibility for each product: developing the backend, the front-end, the data science infrastructure, and then creating a local setup in each country with scalable risk management and portfolio management solutions.

The team is made up of a mix of risk management, product, design and software professionals, providing lots of opportunity to share knowledge and learnings across functions.


Ensure competitiveness of the retail credit product offering by ensuring the highest quality of product features, support and service levels. The Lead Product Manager will drive business growth by taking responsibility for the funnel conversion rate, credit product engagement and cost of acquisition by making decisions on customer journey and product features. Own the product build and requirements for the French retail credit products and updates from time to time in partnership with technical product owners and engineering team.


- Set the vision for our product(s), understanding how it connects to company’s objectives and is relentlessly focused on delivering the same value.

- Build credit product with world class customer experiences and understanding the full credit lifecycle of a customer.

- Define, prioritise and communicate short, mid and long term goals of the product.

- High engagement in the UX domain to deliver great customer experiences.

- Create high conversion of funnel and offer acceptance rate.

- Lower the cost of customer acquisition.

- Ensure high customer satisfaction related to understanding and experience within the retail credit products segment.

- Establish reliable and reputable third party partnerships.

- Ensure zero tolerance of any compliance issue or breach of regulatory requirements.


- Hands on experience building products and/or features in French retail credit.

- Strong new product design experience and a fanatical approach to customer experience.

- UI/ UX principle knowledge with deep customer focus by understanding customer behaviour and analysing data & real world experiences.

- Broad knowledge of risk management principles.

- A technical degree from a top school, programming and data analysis skills, user research experience and experience working on a technical team is definitely a plus.

- Detailed orientation & very structured thinking, who can think of customers full journey and experience.

- Interpersonal/ negotiation skills and someone who is able to prioritise features based on customer need/want, engineering challenges, compliance & legal requirements and still deliver relevant business outcomes.

- A deeply analytical mindset and track record for making data driven decisions whilst also building business intuition around the credit product.

- Ability to lead a team and build partnerships with other functions.

- An ability to communicate effectively with all the stakeholders and enjoyment for taking ownership.

- Passionate building new processes and challenging the status quo.

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