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Contenu de l'offre Junior Product manager chez Rythm

Rythm is an ambitious company developing Dreem, the headband that combines the most effective methods, from biofeedback to neuromodulation, to improve your sleep every night.
Based in Paris and San Francisco, Rythm is a neurotechnology company that was founded in 2014. We’re bringing together world’s foremost experts in hardware, software, and neuroscience to build technology that understands and stimulates the brain to improve and act on our everyday performance, deliver better health, and enhance our quality of life.
Rythm has raised substantial funding from investors, awards and government grants to support a world-class team of +70 people. For more information, visit
The Rythm team is seeking a results-oriented Junior Product Manager. We are currently executing on an ambitious, broad, and fascinating roadmap, which includes a large library of sleep-related content. As part of the Product team, your main role will be to help us develop and manage this growing library in alignment with specific objectives.

What’s this role about?

Along with the rest of the Product Team, you will take part in key decisions regarding the product roadmap You will be in charge of features within the product, which aim to accompany users along their journey to solve their sleep issues This will mean being responsible for creating and managing a comprehensive library of content in the product (text, images, video) Measuring product and content effectiveness and quickly driving iterative improvements. Developing standardized reporting and proactively communicating results to the Product team. You will be working at the intersection on various subjects (software, sleep science, design, content creation) where you may be out of your comfort zone Requirements:
Being a self-starter, with a strong sense of ownership on your work, is essential A track record of challenging yourself, academically and professionally Strong grasp of behavioural psychology and design principles You can communicate complex ideas in a straightforward way, especially in writing A strong interest for, and willingness to learn about, sleep science and health in general You are excellent at prioritizing, and taking decisions even with incomplete information You are great at interacting with all kinds of people and understanding what makes them tick You are comfortable with using data analysis to measure performance Fully bilingual, French & English, spoken and written Experience building customer-facing projects is a plus Experience with UI design and/or video creation is a plus
Cpf final 4

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Junior Product manager
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