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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Rythm

As Product Manager @ Rythm, you will work with the CEO and our existing Product Manager on delivering the product strategy and the product vision, as well as managing the product timeline and developments. You will be at the intersection of the design, marketing, technological and scientific developments. Your main objectives will be to define the next successful product of Rythm, through intensive research and testing, as well as supporting the development teams with product inputs along the developments. Apart from our consumer products, you will also work on our new projects. Your role will be a key in the company success and at the intersection of all the teams. A non-exhaustive list of your missions:
identifying and assessing product opportunities coming from users and potential future customers, people of the team and research defining the right product under financial, marketing, design, technological and scientific inputs and constraints (high-level definition as well as final features of the product) defining the product strategy and the roadmap with the CEO be the internal representation of the product within the team define the product marketing strategy with the marketing team align developments towards the product vision be the internal voice of our current and future users manage product UX/UI/ID teams setup success metrics and reach them manage product analytics and part of the customer success pipeline defining testing specifications defining the whole user experience run intensive technological, product and competition research Requirements:
You will be under the direct management of the CEO. The product you will work on is highly disruptive in several ways: usage, technology, science, and value proposition. This mission will probably be one the most complex mission you ever had as a product manager. We expect from you:
a true deep passion for product and design a deep understanding of the technological fields of the company a high empathy for customer and people a strong ability to work (very) hard and a strong autonomy a strong intellect the ability of mastering highly complex systems and projects integrity and confidence strong oral and written communication and focus skills ambition and creativity According the scientific and technological aspects of the product, you should have a strong engineering background (French Grandes Ecoles + optionally a PhD) as well as a business and marketing background (experience and MBA/leading business school double degree). Other qualities we are looking for : • experience of product or project management, in the consumer world (at least 2 to 5 years)
optional: experience in the hardware / consumer electronics field optional: electronics and algorithmic engineering background optional: experience in design (industrial or visual) international experience The product is what is driving Rythm and people of the team. This mission is not only an extraordinary opportunity to participate to the future of neurotechnology and to the development of a disruptive product, but will be a true personal challenge for you.
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Product Manager
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