Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Product Marketing Manager / Product Manager SSG

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Contenu de l'offre Product Marketing Manager / Product Manager SSG chez Sage

Product Marketing Manager / Product Manager SSG

Nom du poste à pourvoir
Product Marketing Manager / Product Manager SSG

Description du poste
Are you an experienced Product Manager looking to grow your career in a FTSE 100 organisation?

The Product Manager / Product Marketing Manager is a hybrid role accountable for the superb definition, execution, measurement, and continuous improvement of product roadmap and Go-to-market that underpin the delivery of our goals within Specialised Solutions Group. This role sits across the Sage 50 BOB product from a PM & PMM perspective and the Sage Batigest Product from a PMM perspective that are sold to and used by our customers and partners within the French, Belgian, and “Export” markets.


Responsabilités principales
What will you be involved in?

• Build and manage an effective product roadmap for BOB that enables commercial growth through high levels of customer retention and new acquisition.

• Project manage at least 2 significant transformation projects in BOB product against tight deadlines.

• Manage GTM processes and priorities across both BOB & Batigest

• Effectively & efficiently manage prioritisation of requirements for Batigest aligned to long term strategy for product, managing key stakeholders internally.

• Work closely with the wider SSG team on commercial delivery, performance migration and EOL plans

• Designs, builds, operates, and continuously improves strong, robust, structured, and simple processes that underpin customer and commercial planning.

• Build and operate, robust governance structures around both product lines and their Win Plans.

• Collaborate strongly with Batigest PM to define delivery plans.

What are we looking for?

• Proven experience in product marketing &/or product management.

• Strong track record of running complex projects in matrix environments.

• Strong track record of building growth strategies and plans – and effectively executing these across multi-functional teams to achieve strong results.

• Excellent people influencing skills – able to instil trust, belief, and confidence in a distributed team.

• Comfort working with technical, functional & commercial specialists.

• Ability to think creatively, and work on a hands-on basis on a variety of tasks to enable us to remain lean.

• Exceptional communication and writing skills in French, & English and ability to work across business lines, presenting to senior leadership and at different levels of management. (Working knowledge of Flemish would be highly desirable but not critical).

• Ability to work autonomously within a dynamic environment.

• Strong team player with proven ability to lead through influence.

If this sounds like the ideal opportunity to bring your craft to a global business, then get in touch!

This role is based in our Paris office with hybrid working opportunities.

Do you want to build a career with a business and a team that really makes a difference and that cares? Do you want to deliver amazing things for our communities? Do you want to be part of something big and build your future in an inspiring and loved place to work? Come join us!

Product Delivery



Work Place type

Présentation de Sage
Nos collaborateurs rendent Sage exceptionnelle. En effet, nos collaborateurs parviennent à proposer des solutions révolutionnaires à nos clients qui les utilisent de manière optimale. Cet ensemble de collaborateurs nous aide à grandir depuis plus de trente ans et oriente notre avenir vers la dimension de grande entreprise SaaS. Nous écrivons notre prochain chapitre. Faites-en partie !
L'expérience nous a appris que lorsque nos clients prospèrent, nous prospérons. Nous partons toujours de ce dont les clients ont besoin. Nous sommes connectés avec les clients dans les bons moments… et les plus difficiles.
Nous avons la volonté d’innover continuellement afin que les clients puissent gérer au mieux la Finance, leurs opérations et leur personnel.
Chacun de nous construit la culture chez Sage - faire ce qui est juste et réussir ensemble, unis par notre engagement les uns envers les autres. Nous nous encourageons mutuellement à grandir et prendre une autre dimension dans nos rôles respectifs, dans nos carrières et en tant qu'individus.
Retrouvez et suivez-nous sur nos réseaux sociaux ci-dessous pour participer à des échanges sur les conseils de carrière, les opportunités de postes et les actualités de l’entreprise!
#lifeatsage #sagecareers. Si vous souhaitez obtenir de l'aide pour votre candidature (ou avez besoin d’informations complémentaires), veuillez nous contacter à pour obtenir de l'aide. Tous les candidats qualifiés seront soigneusement considérés et ne feront jamais l'objet de discrimination en raison de leur race, couleur, âge, religion, orientation sexuelle, identité de genre, origine nationale, handicap ou statut d'ancien combattant.

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Product Marketing Manager / Product Manager SSG
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