Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Senior Product Training Project Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Training Project Manager chez Saint Laurent

Senior Product Training Project Manager


Job Description

Within the WW Training team, the Senior Product Training Project Manager reports to the WW Product Training Manager. He/She actively participates in the development of the Maison's training courses and in the coordination of the department.

He/She will aim to contribute to the production of training materials and tools, for all product categories and in various formats.

Its main tasks will be:

Content creation:

Participation to iconographic, fabric and know-how research in connection with the various interlocutors of the Product Training department (Merchandising, Product Development, Image)
Creation of training materials on permanent and seasonal collections, Men and Women, Ready-to-Wear and Accessories
Significant content writing work (product descriptions, storytelling, client benefits, styling, etc.)
Development of digital training tools using the various software made available and digitization of existing content
Proactivity on the creation of new formats and tools

Team coordination:

Be responsible for the proper functioning of the team as well as the realization of the various deliverables
Proofreading and pre-validation of the content produced by the team before submission to the Product Training Manager
Coordination of relations with the various internal departments (merchandising, image, development, client, ecom, sustainability, etc.)
Be the point of contact of external service providers (Translation agency, Design agency, Video creation studio, etc.)
Contribution to the organization of training events, in relation with the Regional Training Managers
Occasional help on other projects, in conjunction with the E-Learning, Internal Communication or Customer teams.
Monitoring of the budget and processing of the various invoices of the department using the accounting software

Work experience & required competencies:

Higher education or masters in business, journalism or fashion
Bilingual level in English required, with excellent writing skills

5 years experience in luxury or fashion, preferably in retail, merchandising or training
Great product sensitivity and pronounced taste for fashion
Strong appetite for training and digital
Perfect mastery of the Office Pack (PowerPoint), Photoshop would be a plus.

Job Type


Start Date



Full time


Yves Saint Laurent SAS

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Senior Product Training Project Manager
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