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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Sandvik


Reporting to the Marketing & Product Management Director, the Product Manager is at the heart of technical business and customer satisfaction topics. Product manager will ensure project coordination to enhance our 3D metrology software solutions market penetration.

As owner of the product the product manager will oversee facets of the product lifecycle, marketing and evolution to maximize product acceptance and value to our customers.


The Product Manager is responsible to carry the product from its inception through introduction into the marketplace.

Identify & meet the market’s needs

Provide strategic oversight of all products in the portfolio

Competitor monitoring and competitive landscape analysis for all products in your portfolio

Analyze market needs

Define value proposition and set pricing recommendation

Sound boarding experts/users and voice of customer

Set priorities and adjust with customer and market needs.

Collect customers product and service needs related to our software and with possible enhancements

Participate in implementation of activities related to the strategy of the product or the portfolio

Plan, monitor and manage product marketing projects from initiation through execution.

Lead and coordinate project planning, resourcing, staffing, supply and subcontract management, progress reporting, troubleshooting as well as people management for marketing projects.

Manage marketing projects to ensure on-time completion according to specifications and within budgeted costs.

Monitors performance through Key Performance Indicators and recommends schedule changes, cost adjustments or resource additions.

Ensure efficient utilization of technical and administrative resources.

Contribute to market introduction

Provide product expertise/support to sales representatives, resellers and/or partners during the sales and/or launch process

Assists sales representatives, resellers and/or partners during the sales and/or development process to maximize the benefits derived from the organization's products and/or services

Produce powerful and focused presentations and toolkits for each sales channel

Keep the product/services portfolio up to date with any changes

Participate and contribute to developing and maintaining sales tools and way of working related to product/portfolio strategy

Coordinate Customer / product related initiatives to set up promoting success stories


Master's degree in a technical field (Software, Industrial data processing or Mechanical engineering) and ideally completed with a marketing degree. Have at least 10 years of one or several successful experiences in a similar job position, into the software or into the services for the industry.

This job requires great leadership skills, a direct relationship with management, organizational skills along with proven project management skills.

An advanced level of English is required to evolve into our international company and environment.

The critical to success attributes for this job position are:

Ability to work in a cross functional environment

Results-based culture

Interpersonal skills

Analyzing skills

Ability to get an overview and summarize


Forward thinking

Strong written and oral communication skills

Good knowledge of the market

Deadline: Nov 24
Job-ID: R0034617

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