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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager Viral Vector chez Sartorius Stedim Biotech

The Product Manager will be responsible for product management activities in the definition, development and commercialization of new products in line with market requirements and interfaces with Sales, Application Specialists, Services, Product Development.


Main Tasks & Responsibilities :

FOCUS = Cell Line, Media and Testing Solutions (CMTS) for Viral Vector applications

Product lifecycle ( 50% of the task / time)

Improve market shares on viral vector applications (vaccines, gene therapy and gene modified therapy) for the cell line, media and testing solutions portfolio.

Develop new product road map, long term business plans / set URS / co-run development stage gate process (PMO) and launch new products

Work in very close team work, target synergies with other Sartorius Business Units, Segment Marketing, Product Development, Operations and outside partners

Lead the execution of the short / mid and long term defined strategy for its portfolio

Operational / Field marketing (30% of the task / time)

Set yearly marketing plan for the defined product range in close relationship with the Field Marketing Managers

Work with sales management in the yearly budgeting / forecasting exercise

Develop selling and marketing tools to support the sales organization on the field

Train the sales organization and / or other stakeholders

Work with the technical consultant team to develop application data and generate application notes

Market Assessment (20% of time)

Assess in his/her area the market dynamics and customers’ requirements in close collaboration with Field marketing managers

Attend customer visits and conferences to deliver key messages and gather market feedback, trends, pain points

Competitor analysis

Work on close collaboration with VBT Segment marketing to align and share on market knowledge

Qualifications & Skills:

Degree in science (viral vectors) with several years of experience in the Biotech industry, ideally in the field of viral vector applications in process development and or in manufacturing

Product management and / or project management experience

Technical knowledge of their business area

Influences and builds strong relationships with internal stakeholders

Good network within the industry

We look for employees who would like to grow with us and move the innovative life sciences sector forward. In the process, we focus on agile project work, mutual support within teams and working as equals. Sartorius thrives as a company with people who give their very best every day and who are eager to develop personally and professionally.

Further insights into our world of work can be found here.

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Product Manager Viral Vector
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