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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager 5G (W/M) chez SCALINX

Job Title Product Manager 5G (W/M)

Contract type permanent contract

Starting Date March 2022

Location Paris, Caen, Grenoble - France

Offer date 27/10/2021

Offer Ref. scx_product_mgr_2021_01

Job function SCALINX’s Sales & Marketing team is seeking a Product Manager 5G who will participate in the definition of products and services as well as their promotion to prospects and customers of SCALINX. In support of commercial networks, contribute to the communication plan and promotion. Provide technical support to the Sales team with prospects and SCALINX customers. Provide technical support to the development and industrialization team integrated circuits. The Product Manager will also ensure a product and service, markets & technological watch.

Work description

Contribute to the training of the sales team and the development of sales tools aids: product datasheets, sales guides, hardware and software demonstration, etc. Analyze customer subsystems with the objective of optimizing performance and costs. Participate in the writing of user manuals for products developed by the SCALINX R&D team. Manage the resolution of technical problems encountered by SCALINX customers. Provide technical support to SCALINX customers for integration into their system of integrated circuits developed by SCALINX. Writing of scientific articles and application notes to explain and promote SCALINX products and services as well as its technology. Participate in the development of the application engineers team and manage the junior profiles. Provide technical support to the R&D team for the definition of specifications, evaluation and industrialization of integrated circuits. Develop reference designs to evaluate circuits integrated systems developed by SCALINX in the system environment of targeted applications and compare to circuits from competitors. Participate in the development and maintenance of the laboratory for the assessment of integrated circuits.

Qualification and Experience

Very good general culture in Electronics and Microelectronics in order to continuously identify the advances of the competitors and the needs of the market for new products and uses. Strong technical culture in order to dialogue effectively with the teams of research and development and imagine from the design phases the feasibility of a product Good knowledge of the different elements of the marketing mix: price, product, promotion, distribution, in order to support the product in all stages of design and marketing Knowledge of the main principles of project management: specifications, specifications, schedules, in order to ensure effective dialogue and monitoring with research and development teams Ensure effective monitoring to anticipate and identify trends, needs customers and potential markets Fluent English

How to apply
If you have a passion for IC design and the ambition to create something different, please send your resume and a cover letter (in French or English) at

SCALINX is committed to diversity & equity, we aim to improve disability inclusion within our workforce.

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Product Manager 5G (W/M)
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