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Internship - Junior Product Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Internship - Junior Product Manager chez Scality

Paris (75) Temps plein, Stage Start of the Internship: March 2, 2020 End of the internship: August 31, 2020
Duration: 6 Months full time.
Mission: as part of the product management team, reporting to the VP Product, your missions will be the following:
Mission #1 : Product Owner for User Interface definition: In close cooperation with a Senior Product Manager define / refine the Epics and User Stories on Scality User Interface. In close cooperation with a Senior Product Manager define define the roadmap of Scality User Interface. Participate in sprints of the Release Engineering Team and represent the product management team. Liaise with fellow Product Managers to ensure the activities of the Rel Eng team are aligned with the product management expectations.
Mission #2 : Customer intelligence : Ensure a better knowledge of the customer base through an effective customer features mapping : having a close link to the SFDC database to ensure we enter which feature is interesting to which customer. List the high level features that could be of interest across Scality product range Maintain the list of features up-to-date over time Maintain over time the list of features that are interesting to a specific account / specific part of the account. Ensure we keep track of the business brought or potentially brought to inflight deals or lost deals (lost because of the lack of the feature or because of other reasons). Cross check entered information with the sales team to ensure validity of the database. Be able to provide reports on demand based on the tool such as: Income / # of active customers using a feature Income / # of prospects requesting a feature Income per market segment Custom reports… Potential link / challenge market studies.
Mission #3 : Junior Product Manager for Professional Services : Develop a full Professional Services offer that Sales, SE, CSE can refer to when mapping their own activities understanding what service to a customer comes by default / could be invoiced / has to be invoiced. Understand the success criteria of the people able to generate a significant amount of Income based on services today and provide tools to replicate this. Ensure the Professional Services offering is tightly integrated with the Software Life cycle and it supports the EOM / EOL statements.
Mission #4 : Support of the PM Team Communication be a support to the PM team to ensure effective and frequent communication WW to the sales team by organizing communication sessions. Ensure the communication material is always up-to-date and available to the Sales and Technical Services Teams. Work with the sales team to have PM be a full part of the sales enablement platform through the training program.
Compensation: YES You will also be able to benefit from the “Ticket Restaurant” prorata temporis as well as the reimbursement of 50% of your Pass Navigo.
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Internship - Junior Product Manager
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