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Contenu de l'offre PRODUCT MANAGER chez Scortex


Scortex is looking for a Product Manager - Engineering, to join our team focused on architecting and enabling solutions for the engineering group.

You will be supporting the core engineering team as well as the customer engineering team in their programs to help build out the Scortex platform. Your role will consist of managing multiple programs where you will prioritize, scope and coordinate the development of our platform through direct engagement with the engineering team.

You will be responsible for the whole product lifecycle.

Key components of the role

Develop and manage product roadmap and schedules. Understand basic fundamentals of iterative development. Plan product development sprints and run the agile product development process. Understand our goals and business strategy and deliver a product that reflects our unique perspective on how to achieve these goals. Align roadmap with hardware development and manufacturing cycles. Manage the roadmap: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise this work so your team is always working on the most impactful projects. Deeply know the problems that you’re tackling through research and regular interaction with the various customer facing teams ; define and frame those problems for the team Collaborate with your team in thinking big, to imagining future solutions that solve these problems. Keep all parties and stakeholders informed through a thorough communication. Scope these solutions to their smallest coherent state to ship to customers as early as you can. Work closely with software engineers developing the solutions, to understand, influence and drive the build of the solution in alignment with the business requirements, and ruthlessly prioritize feature requests and bug fixes. Constantly evaluate if your solutions have solved the problem through quantitative and qualitative measures, both in beta’s and after full release. Own and maintain the quality of the product areas your team are responsible for; deliver world-class software in every release. Motivate a group of committed, smart people to do the best work of their careers.


Multiple years experience in a Product Manager role with direct experience in working closely with strong engineering teams. Familiarity with common Agile practices, service-oriented environments, and better development practices. Development and implementation of roadmaps experience. Experience executing multiple tasks simultaneously. Be a clear communicator of product decisions and the rationale behind them. Be comfortable in making decisions without consensus. You can help others make decisions by being persuasive. You have experience working with both qualitative customer insights, and quantitative customer data to inform decisions. You’ve conducted user research, a/b tests and have worked closely with design researchers and analysts. You’re entrepreneurial; you don’t need direction; you're self driven. You’re organised, not ad hoc. Be able to easily switch between thinking creatively and analytically. Have an understanding of the technical architecture of complex web and mobile applications. Added bonus if you have engineering chops and have written code.


Contract type: Full-Time Location: Paris, France (75013) Experience Level: > 2 years
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