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Contenu de l'offre PRODUCT OWNER INTERN chez Scortex

Paris (75) Stage


Working along with the product manager, our customers and engineering teams, you will specify and test functionalities for our customer-facing products, based on the expressed needs and priorities.

Work with key stakeholders and clients to understand and aniticapate their needs Produce clear functional specifications from stakeholder needs for our tech teams Validate functional scenarios with our customers and engineering teams Define acceptance criteria for all features, and ensuring those are met before deployment Document and track product features Take part of the QA testing by designing non-regression functional tests on user-facing applications In an agility workflow, prepare the development tasks for the technical team by subdividing and planning needs in atomical steps and ensuring the coherence of the whole


Knowledge and experience in expressing functional needs without ambiguity, including error cases and taking current solution implementations into account Good synthesizing skills, you know how to write high quality documentation Good adaptability when facing clients or technical teams Rigor in the research for anomalies Strong organizational, problem-solving and communication skills General knowledge of web application design and architecture ; you are able to functionally describe which components are involved when interacting with a software system, you know the main requirements for an application to run Willing to learn how AI driven applications work You're passionate and curious about software and hardware systems design, and are willing to improve the whole ecosystem you're evolving in.


Contract Type: Internship (6 month(s)) Location: Paris, France (75013) Experience: < 6 months
Cpf final 4

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