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Marketing, Communication & Product Manager F/H

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Contenu de l'offre Marketing, Communication & Product Manager F/H chez SEMARE

Marketing, Communication & Product Manager F/H

Our Client is a global leader in the Consumer Electronics world. They are looking for a talented Marketing, Communication & Product Manager to join their Air Conditioning division to strengthen their team in France. #HVAC #sustainability


As the Marketing, Communication & Product Manager, you come with a very good knowledge of technical products linked to specific regulation. Reporting to Head of Division France, you will translate the European marketing strategy into a strong local marketing strategy & plan for the French market. You will lead and be involved in the execution of the local marketing activity plans.

This includes a wide range of activities, like B2B & B2C brand activities, channel plans, marketing analytics and events. You will work in close collaboration with the European Headquarters. You will ensure that all activities in the area of marketing communications are in line with the company and brand policies. You will manage the Marketing and Communication team.


Strategic Marketing

In order to help very ambitious sales objectives, you will design French market dedicated strategy including local items: product regulation, specific needs of B2B market (construction companies, resellers, ... ) and B2C market. You will be responsible for designing specific contents and messages for all channels.
You will lead researches and benchmarks for all panels of product in order to help sales teams in reaching market expectations. As Air conditioning is a very specific market, you will also work on lobbying matters (public organizations ...).

Operational marketing

With support of the team and as first point of contact for external agencies, you will be responsible for coordinating partners in awareness campaigns and sales promotions, design or adapt print and web materials.
You will manage follow up on status and outcome of the campaigns and promotions for Management about the running campaigns and promotions.


Based on current market and based on market evolution due to new regulations, (RE2020, F Gaz, ...), you set up an analysis, followed by products development options on the heating and air conditioning markets.
You determine the needs and characteristics of the products necessary to develop the French market, for commercial and residential applications.

Budget Management

You will manage budget including forecasting, cost and ROI analyses. You will have to explain and report on expenses and results.

Team Management

You will be managing a team of 4 people and will be responsible to set their objectives as well as develop and coach them.


As candidate it is most important you are able to identify with our Client's DNA: flexible, dynamic, results driven. You are a customer oriented professional who is working accurately and a problem solver.

Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience in Marketing or Communication
10 years minimum of relevant work experience
Experienced leader and collaborator
Strategic and operational marketing skills
Very good knowledge of technical products and specific regulation
Analytical and verbal skilled
Project management / Cross-functional projects
Sales and ROI focused
Ability to manage processes
Can do mentality, flexible with regards to changing priorities & business needs
Fluent in French & English

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Marketing, Communication & Product Manager F/H
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