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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez SES imagotag

Paris (75)
Company Presentation:

SES-imagotag, we’re making IoT for retail easier, faster, and smarter.

Our dev teams build and maintain our cloud application, which manages millions of IoT devices from our cloud.

Our customers use the SES-imagotag solutions to manage, use, monitor and configure critical IoT infrastructure that serves tens of millions of people every single day.

SES-imagotag believes that the quality of our product is dependent on the quality of our engineers. We place a high value on nurturing the growth and development of everyone on our team. We foster an open and supportive workplace where everybody is given the opportunity to succeed.


SES-imagotag is changing the way the retail industry thinks about IoT, and you will lead the charge to continue the evolution.

You will team up with forward-thinking engineers and excited customers to help ensure that we have the best user experience and most advanced cloud platform in the industry.

You will work closely with the sales and marketing team to establish a winning strategy and collaborate with our partner teams to ensure market-adoption and rapid growth.

You will have a significant impact on one of the fastest growing retail IoT companies in the world, reach a global customer base, and work at the cutting edge of large-scale cloud managed IoT devices.

Every day is truly unlike the one before. Your penchant for approaching problems with creative solutions, sincere passion for engineering, and ambition to be part of (and lead) an innovative and inspiring team are the tools that you’ll need to be our Product Leader.

Qualifications required and personal characteristics:
5+ years of experience in a Product Management role Master/PhD in Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering or related degree Technical background in cloud infrastructure and agile software development Have worked cross-functionally on large projects with multiple teams Fluent English spoken and written You have a real passion for learning about networking, cloud, and emerging disruptive technologies You have a strong sense of customer empathy to care deeply about top customer problems You are able to easily communicate complicated concepts to non-technical people You have an ambitious, can-do attitude with an intuitive understanding of product quality You love solving technical problems in creative ways
Bonus points for any of the following:
An understanding of Azure Cloud and IoT solutions which will help you understand the problems we work on and find the best solutions for our customers An experience in the retail industry

The position is based in Nanterre (Paris).

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