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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Marketing Manager chez Sinequa

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Do you want to be at the forefront of leading-edge technology in a rapidly-growing market?

Do you like helping customers connect technology with the needs of their business ? Let’s talk.

Are you interested in this position ?

We look forward to receiving your application.

Are you looking to drive positioning, messaging, gathering customer feedback, and the go-to-market strategy across multiple sectors for an industry-leading software company? Are you looking to take on a global role to enable a world-class sales team and help drive demand, adoption, and the overall success of Sinequa? If so, let’s talk.

Sinequa Profile:

Sinequa serves both large and complex organizations with the most complete enterprise search, ever. Customers employ our intelligent search platform to connect all content (both text and data), derive meaning, learn from user interactions, and present information in context. This solves content chaos and informs employees through a single, secure interface.

We’ve spent over two decades in the most demanding environments: high volume, high security, highly distributed with diverse and siloed content. We’ve packaged that experience into our platform to create a fully-integrated solution that rescues employees from data swamps and digital landfills. With Sinequa, they find the information they need – regardless of source, format, or language – and gain unique advantages with purpose-built applications powered by intelligent search.

This means employees always have the knowledge, expertise, and insights they need to excel at their work and do more, faster. Make informed decisions, accelerate innovation, reduce rework, foster collaboration, ensure compliance, and increase productivity.


The Senior Product Marketing Manager is responsible for clearly communicating the ‘why,’ ‘what’ and ‘when’ around Sinequa-powered solutions within our target markets. In this role, you will be responsible for helping to define the market position within the context of the overall product strategy. You will also be conducting competitor analysis, market research, and working closely with the sales team to inform the strategic positioning of our solutions to customers, partners, and market influencers. You will also be responsible for articulating all of the outbound tasks necessary to clearly explain the benefits of those features and translate them into customer-facing messaging. You will be tasked with giving product demonstrations at trade shows and webinars, delivering presentations to customers and prospects, as well as creating compelling marketing collateral.

Your Responsibilities:

Contribute to the solution-oriented strategy, identify target profiles, define use cases, and articulate value propositions geared toward the specific market sectors
Develop compelling messaging for our target markets as well as creative go-to-market strategies
Manage the creation of a wide variety of high-impact marketing collateral and content including datasheets, website copy, white papers, and demo scripts
Spearhead lead generation campaigns that are in line with business & revenue goals
Present Sinequa during industry seminars, conferences, and webinars
Collaborate with demand generation and corporate marketing teams to ensure fine-tuned programs for the target market segments
Lead sales enablement initiatives in collaboration with product management to train sales teams and ultimately impact significantly the sales cycle
Identify and analyze key competitors in our field

Your Background:

Exceptional business writing
Ability to present complex matters simply and intelligibly for key stakeholders
A minimum of 5-7 years of product marketing experience
Data literacy with a deep understanding of Natural Language Processing & Deep Learning
Ability to engage with and earn the respect of technical and business leaders
Excellent public speaking skills and ability to develop customer-facing presentations
Proven creativity with technical expertise
Outstanding visual design skills to create impactful presentations
Natural empathy with customers, users, buyers, and colleagues
Travel required in the U.S. and in EMEA

Sinequa embraces diversity and equal opportunity. We are committed to building a team that represents a variety of backgrounds. The more inclusive we are, the better our company will be.

Your environment.

Sinequa powers the Information-Driven economy. Companies are realizing that being data-driven isn’t enough, but to succeed in today’s highly-competitive and fast-moving market they must capitalize on the value buried away in the huge volume of their unstructured information (text) in addition to structured data. Sinequa enables information-driven operations by providing a Cognitive Search and Analytics platform that brings together all enterprise information assets and intelligently serves up the most pertinent information and insights regardless of content, source system, or format. We do this through a state-of-the-art engine that applies natural language processing and machine learning to make sense of the vast and rapidly growing content in today’s organizations.

Sinequa’s software platform brings whole-enterprise search and powerful analytics to Global 2000 companies and government agencies. Leveraging Recognized as a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Insight Engines and the Forrester Wave for Cognitive Search and Discovery, the world’s largest and most information-intensive organizations – including AstraZeneca, Airbus, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Siemens – rely on Sinequa to put business-critical information at the fingertips of their employees.

Discover our culture.

"We strive for a culture that establishes the priorities for the organization and creates an atmosphere where employees can freely pursue the three marks of personal achievement: Excellence, Autonomy, and Purpose."

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Senior Product Marketing Manager
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