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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager H/F chez Sismo

Sismo recherche …
Sismo is an attestation protocol that enables users to selectively reveal data derived from their web2 or web3 accounts.

Users aggregate their identity and use IT to generate ZK proofs that applications can verify through our on-chain and off-chain verifiers. The resulting privacy-preserving attestations-stored in on-chain smart contracts or off-chain databases-are utilized by applications for access control and reputation curation.

Standing at the crossroads between digital identity, web3 social, and zero-knowledge technology, we were recently featured in a list of Vitalik Buterin's most exciting projects.

Our Factory - the portal for integrating Sismo - currently enables developers to create ZK Badges, a tokenized form (SBTs) of attestations issued by the Sismo protocol.

Our tightknit team of crypto natives has been working on Ethereum since 2015 (ex Aave, EthCC, Kleros, ConsensSys). To realize our vision, we raised $10, 000, 000 from some of the biggest names in crypto (angels such as Lens, Optimism, Starkware, the Ethereum Foundation, Curve, Aave, Snapshot, Guild, and top VCs like Framework, Delphi, IDEO or Seedclub Ventures).

Team members are exposed to the best training, conferences, and hackathons the space has to offer.

You can expect to join a mission-driven crypto-native team passionate about privacy, decentralization, and the technology that will power the future of the web.

Learn more :


As Sismo's Product Manager, you will an organizational force and decision-maker behind product releases whether they are integrations or core products like the factory.

You will research users and competition, facilitate the product design phase, and BE responsible for efficient delivery to production. You will also BE in charge of communicating internally and externally about releases. Developing a passion and understanding of our protocol and products is key !
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Senior Product Manager H/F
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