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Digital Marketing Project Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Digital Marketing Project Manager chez Sixième Son

Digital Marketing Project Manager

About Sixième Son:

A leading sonic branding agency that creates high-performing, long-lasting sonic and musical solutions. From tailor-made audio identities, to the design of sonic interfaces for human-machine technology, to the creation of soundscapes for environmental brand experiences, we help build more successful brands. 

Founded in 1995 in Paris, and established offices in the US in 2012.

Sixième Son has created over 450 sonic branding systems across the world for ambitious B2B, B2C and retail brands. Our goal is to increase brand value by creating bespoke sonic identities that are memorable, differentiating, attention grabbing, and convey brand values. Offices include Barcelona, Chicago, New York, Paris, Singapore and Toronto.

About the job:

As part of the development of its consulting division, Sixième Son is looking for an experienced bilingual Digital Marketing Project Manager available in January 2023. 

As a member of the communications team, you will be reporting to the Director of the division.

Your missions:


To draft strategic recommendations in termes of SEO / SEA
To update the website

Community management:

To define the strategy and editorial line
To create and post creative contents
To identify relevant opportunities / partnerships

Communication / business team:

To support the commercial team: follow up with tools (CRM / Leadjet / LinkedIn / other PM tools)
To develop digital marketing campaigns (Mailchimp / LinkedIn etc.)
To help with case studies


Other missions:

Market research
Competition analysis
Awards show entries

What we are looking for:

You have a university degree (minimum of 3 years of higher education), you are attracted by the world of brand communication and marketing strategies.
You master the digital marketing tools and know how to implement processes; 
Social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok) have no secrets for you. You like to learn about them and they stimulate your creative mind!
You are fluent in English (ideally you are a native English speaker)
You have at least two years of experience.
You are rigorous, proactive and autonomous. You have excellent interpersonal skills and enjoy working in a team.
You have a strong analytical mind, good writing skills, and wish to get involved in a creative and innovative sector.

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