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Implementation and New Product Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Implementation and New Product Manager chez Statkraft

For our office in Lyon (France) we are currently looking to hire an

Implementation and New Product Manager (m/f)

As part of the Norwegian state owned Statkraft Group, Statkraft Markets GmbH is Europe’s largest generator of renewable energy. Since 1999 we have been an active trader of power, gas, renewable and emission certificates and a broad range of structured products. Lately we have become one of the leading players and service providers in managing distributed energy generation. For us the ideas of our 450 committed and ambitious colleagues make the difference. Share our passion for renewable energy and be a part of tomorrow’s energy world.

Statkraft’s Market Access business in Europe and in France

Electricity from renewable energy sources in Europe is increasingly sold to the wholesale market through power purchase agreements (PPAs). We are market-leader in this business in Europe, with ca. 15 000 MW generation capacity from third parties under management. Our customers are companies developing, financing, owning and/or operating on- and offshore wind, PV, biomass as well as hydroelectric power plants. We take responsibility for the forecasting, trading, balancing, remote control and billing for these installations. The team has been developing this business in France (“agrégation" under the “complément de rémunération” support scheme) for the last three years.

Your role:

Take ownership of project management and operational excellence in the French PPA business Drive the implementation and improvement of systems and processes to trade renewable energy on the market: from setting up and testing data connections between plants and Statkraft’s control centre, through interfaces between customer data, forecasting and trading systems, to invoicing and billing Develop quantitative analyses and forecasts of balancing costs and market value of individual plants Build relationships with distribution and transmission system operators and work with operations teams to refine processes for balancing group registrations, data flows and capacity certificate management Play a central, proactive role at the interface between customers, Statkraft operations and sales team, third-party service providers and other market stakeholders Build market design expertise further, assess new commercial and technical concepts with respect to their strategic fit, profitability and implementation, in close cooperation with the sales team Support sales activities and strategic initiatives

Your profile:

At least 2 years project management experience in the energy industry Proven ability to take ownership of implementation projects and drive them until completion Good understanding of the design and economics of power markets Strong analytical stills, very structured way of working and high attention to detail High accountability, resilience, strong stakeholder management and risk analysis skills Creative and proactive team player with a commercial mind-set and a focus on customer needs University degree in a quantitative discipline, engineering, business or equivalent Fluent in French and in English Willingness to travel (Düsseldorf, industry meetings…)

Statkraft offers:

Professional and personal development in an exciting company experiencing strong growth A positive working environment characterized by competence, responsibility and innovation A diverse workplace with regard to gender, age and cultural background Competitive terms of employment and excellent benefit schemes
Cpf final 4

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Implementation and New Product Manager
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