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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Sterblue

Sterblue builds software for Drones to inspect Wind Turbines and Power Lines automatically using Artificial Intelligence. From automatic 3D navigation around infrastructures to online reports and automatic defect detection, we automate the entire inspection process to help energy and utility companies strive for a cleaner future.

We are looking for our first Product Manager to join the team (in Nantes, France or in Lisbon, Portugal: you will have the choice!). Like an orchestra conductor, you will define, prioritize and deploy our product roadmap.

At Sterblue, you will:
Take an active part in Sterblue’s product strategy and roadmap definition. Understand our customers: learn about their problems, their goals and educate the team on your research. Turn complex ideas into clear specs. Sketch prototypes to define features and rapidly test your hypothesis to meet goals. Lead product decisions on priorities, help in resolving issues, develop and communicate the roadmaps. Be the “roadmap guardian”: animate the sprints and organize the different agile meetings with the Engineering team: Make sure everyone is ready for the milestones, Identify and anticipate potential difficulties, Support the team in finding solutions and in optimizing their work. Create processes and reliable methods to collect high-quality data. Formalize and explain these internally and externally. Leverage a variety of tools to investigate problems and quickly conduct root cause analysis. Track and ensure that our product is continuously improving: propose KPI to measure the impact of the new features and users satisfaction 3-5+ years of experience in product, preferably in software companies You have excellent communication skills and capacity to formalize and summarize You are fluent in english You have strong ability to adapt and work with different types of profile You have a solid technical background which help you to understand teams' constraints and find out solutions An experience in the industry before is a bonus
Cpf final 4

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Product Manager
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