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Field Applications Engineer Intern Product - Test Dev. Engineer M - F H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Field Applications Engineer Intern Product - Test Dev. Engineer M - F H/F chez STMicroelectronics

STMicroelectronics recherche …
At ST, we are creators of technology. And our technology starts with you.

STMicroelectronics, Inc. is a global semiconductor leader delivering intelligent and energy-efficient products and solutions. Our work powers the electronics at the heart of everyday life. Our technologies enable smarter mobility, more efficient power and energy management, and the wide-scale deployment of the Internet of Things (Iot). We are committed to creating technology for a sustainable world in a sustainable way- we take full responsibility across the product life cycle, prioritize a culture of safety and well-being for our employees and subcontractors, and minimize carbon footprint. We invite you to explore the opportunities to work with us.
STMicroelectronics has an opportunity for a Field Applications Engineer Intern at our Burlington, MA or Santa Clara, CA office.
Key project goals : Data acquisition, model training, and data classification using the Azure app and dedicated web-portals.
Expected outcomes : Report on app and portal functionality.

Responsibilities :
- Hardware/Software setup : Raspberry Pi4B configuration, SensorTile.Box programming.
- Data acquisition using dedicated Azure app and data upload through web-portal.
- Machine learning Neural Net model training and FW binary generation through dedicated web-portal.
- FW deployment and data classification test in real time using dedicated FW and Azure app.
Cpf final 4

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Field Applications Engineer Intern Product - Test Dev. Engineer M - F H/F
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