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Product Manager - Dispatch Solutions (Paris)

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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager - Dispatch Solutions (Paris) chez Stuart

Stuart is a disruptive on-demand urban logistics platform that will transform our daily lives. Our platform allows businesses big and small in every industry to deliver to their local customers with never-before-seen speed and efficiency. We create countless economic opportunities for businesses and courier partners whilst redefining customer expectations when it comes to delivery.

The Stuart Product Management Team is on a mission to ship the right products to our clients and to deliver the best possible experience to their end-customers. We are devoted to improving our couriers’ efficiency. We are builders. We are the innovators. We are the fine tuners.

As a Product Manager joining our team, you will be responsible for guiding new product ideas from initial conception to product launch. As the leader of our Dispatch solutions squad, you will collaborate closely with a team of engineers, data scientists and data engineers to drive product development and improve our dispatch algorithms. You will be designing a core part of the Stuart Platform with the objective of improving our efficiency.


Define and develop the Dispatch & Core squad product roadmap with the CPO Own the short to long term vision of the core products of the platform Anticipate the direction the dispatch solutions should be heading to by analysing the potential impact of improvements on your KPIs, and by keeping a close eye on business trends Work very closely with the Engineering team to put in place all the needed infrastructure Collaborate with the Engineering, Design & Data Science teams to ship innovative & impactful features: you will create functional specifications, coordinate development activities and share the progress of your team with the whole company Analyze and document user feedback, usage insights, market trends & competitive forces in order to define priorities and a roadmap with your team Make creative recommendations to expand product base and vision Track and analyze features impact on KPIs


A full-stack team working on the core products of the Stuart platform: dispatch algorithms, prediction engines, pricing engine, ETA calculations... A team that has the ability to deliver features that would have an enormous impact A team that works on algorithms (using AI, ML, DL and other techniques), private APIs, and backend infrastructure



Minimum 3 years of experience in Data Science / Data Engineering and willingness to move to a product management position OR Minimum 3 years of experience of Product management for Data-oriented projects Solid experience in leading Data-focused and/or technical teams Technical depth that lets you understand, earn the respect and challenge our team of world-class data engineers and scientists Proven experience of defining product roadmaps collaboratively with internal and external stakeholders Data-driven approach to problem understanding and solving Excellent organisational skills and experience in a fast paced, constantly changing environment. An Experience in the Logistics / On-demand industries would be a plus


The icing on the cake?

Very attractive compensation package Have a real impact Awesome work environment at a company with a huge vision Extras like flexible working hours, catered lunch, gym membership, ping pong table, private health insurance…
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Product Manager - Dispatch Solutions (Paris)
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