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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Takara Bio Europe

Takara Bio is committed to helping scientists break new ground with our innovative technologies. Our extensive portfolio of reagents, instruments, and services support advancements in the life sciences, including frontline diagnostics and clinical applications.

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Poste et missions

The Product Manager for Solutions for Immunotherapy Research will be responsible for helping to develop an integrated marketing strategy for our cloning, protein research and gene function product lines. These product lines feature best-in-class products used by researchers worldwide for antibody therapeutics and engineered (T) cell therapies (CAR-T & TCR-T for example).

The successful candidate will work closely with the marketing/product manager team in Europe and globally (USA & Japan), using their insights and knowledge to drive the messaging that resonates and empowers our European sales teams to be successful.

What you will be doing:

Identify, define and implement marketing strategies for the product lines and markets under your responsibility Manage the communication, analysis and reporting of marketing campaigns, interacting with departments internally and internationally Ensure the successful launch of new products Perform market analyzes, including the competition Facilitate the flow of information between R&D, product managers, technical support and customers, distributors, and technical sales representatives Interact with the global marketing teams and contribute to the improvement and development of the products Produce monthly reports Provide training on products and applications Attend conferences, seminars & webinars, give talks, animate panels (travel required)

Mobilité géographique :



Education and knowledge requirements:

Master’s degree or PhD in Life Sciences - ideally immunology, oncology or regenerative medicine. Fluent in English Strong team ethic and proven ability to work with cross-functional teams Experience of managing multiple projects and working in a fast-paced environment Excellent interpersonal and communications skills to efficiently and productively communicate both orally and in writing are required.

Cpf final 4

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Product Manager
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