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Freeform nanosatellite product system manager - M/F

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Contenu de l'offre Freeform nanosatellite product system manager - M/F chez U Space Nanosatellites

Freeform nanosatellite product system manager - M/F


U-Space aims to become the European leader in nanosatellite constellations.

Designed to be produced and launched in very high volumes, we design and build a range of small, high-performance and highly reliable satellites dedicated to operational applications.

U-Space, founded in 2018, already has more than a dozen prestigious clients to its credit, such as CNES, the French Ministry of the Armed Forces, ONERA, the Paris Observatory, as well as a variety of confidential private sector clients.

Do you believe in the breakthrough of miniaturized technologies? Do you like to challenge the status quo of space? Do you want to work on challenging missions?

Join us and share our vision!

Note to candidates

You will work on challenging and rewarding missions as part of a dynamic team. In addition, we offer flexible hours and are proactive in training our employees and helping them grow. In line with the company values, U-Space encourages diversity and equality in our technological team.

Job description

U-Space is recruiting a satellite system manager as part of its ongoing and future nanosatellite projects. Upon joining the technical team, you will manage the development of the freeform nanosatellite product (between 50 and 80 kgs). Several customers are already interested in this freeform product.

You will work closely with the VP Products & Industrialization, and with project managers in charge of customers projects. You will be responsible for the successful technical completion of the product in compliance with technical requirements.

Your activities will include the following:

You will be the main technical interface concerning the freeform nanosatellite product;
You will contribute to the roadmap technical definition of the freeform product;
You will lead an engineering team to achieve all product technical objectives within constraints (quality, cost, schedule);
You will be responsible for the product definition : architecture, functions, performances, interfaces and CONOPS;
You will be responsible for specifications, trade-offs, analysis, budgets, V&V (Verification & Validation) including qualification at satellite system level;
You will look for an optimal technical design integrating the cost dimension re-using as far as possible existing building blocks;
You will participate in the selection of suppliers and then ensure technical follow-up of their activities;
You will participate in the definition of the product customization to comply with customers requirements during call for tenders.
You will coordinate the internal technical reporting;

More generally, you implement the techniques and methods of systems engineering within the company.

Short term business trips in France or abroad are to be expected.

This position is eligible for the Secret Spécial France.

Professional experience

You have more than 10 years of experience in the space industry.

Profile and skills

You have the following training and skills :

You have a Bac+5 degree, in engineering school or university.
You have a thorough knowledge in satellite development and space constraints;
You are a team player with a sense of responsibility, operational efficiency and good interpersonal and communication skills.

Additional points if:

You have a strong professional knowledge in one of the fields of satellite engineering : electronics, AOCS, structural & thermal, flight software.
You have experience in NewSpace and nanosatellites.

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Freeform nanosatellite product system manager - M/F
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