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Contenu de l'offre Functional Test Engineer chez Unisystems

Definition of test cases Test coordination and execution Experience in creating automation test cases based on manual test cases. Automated build and unit test (Jenkins, Junit) Good coding experience in core Java and JavaScript Construction of test scenarios and scripts Reporting of test results Supports the users/developers in Development, Systems and Internal/External Business Testing Phase Testing activities, reviewing user stories, planning and setting up tests Liasing with Business representatives for acceptance criteria and testing scope Ability to cope with fast changing technologies used in application development Definition of Test Strategies and Test Plans Very good command of English with proven drafting ability Writing communication test scripts Assist the project manager in planning test activities Organise workshops and co-ordinate project stakeholders during testing internal and external testing phase Can adapt to different roles in a cross-funtional team Excellent analytical skills and problem-solving orientation Strong interpersonal skills, customer orientation, self-motivation and ability to work in a small team are very important
Qualifications University degree in computer science, computer engineering or business administration at least 5 years' experience working in Automation Testing Strong skills in Designing & Implementation of Automation Frameworks (Data Driven Application) Focus on automated testing with a strong understanding of tools, techniques and processes Strong ability to bedug code, analyse failures and trace defects to root cause Sound experience in functional, Database and and API manual testing Good knowledge and understanding of Continuous Integration using Jenkins Hands on experience on API testing (REST) Good to have experience with JSON and XML Experience in database testing using automation and manually (SQL 2016) Demonstrate hands on experience on various Automation Tools (Unified Functional Testing (UFT), Cucumber, etc) Experience in applying test methodologies Experience in coding skills for: Web UI Automation and Web Services Automation Good knowledge on scripting languages (PowerShell) Experience both working in an Agile and Waterfall environment Experience on Git, GitHub is desirable Demonstrate hands on experience on Performance Testing tools (Load Runner) Experience using Testing Management Tools Professional qualifications in Testing Certified (ISTQB) is desirable Experience in security testing is desirable.
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