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Contenu de l'offre Test Engineer chez Unisystems

Follow-up of Core business systems and all other qualification campaigns Perform testing activities on technical products, Coordinate test campaigns organization Report problems or failures leading to suggestions to improve or perfect the technical products Use/develop test tools and performs test automation activities Interact with project teams and other stakeholders in the framework of the tests organization and activities
Minimum 4 years of relevant education (master or equivalent) after the secondary school Minimum 6 years of relevant IT experience and minimum 5 years of testing experience Ability to actively participate in meetings, good communicator Capability of integration in an international/multicultural environment, rapid self-starting capability and experience in team working are mandatory Experience in carrying out high-level management studies Capability to provide recommendations on improving the structure and efficiency of an organisation's IT systems. Ability to provide strategic guidance with regard to technology, IT infrastructures and the enablement of major business processes through enhancements to IT Security Requirements The profile owner shall possess a Personnel Security Clearance for accessing EU Classified Information, at least for level EU Secret. In case the person does not possess such clearance, then a criminal record of the chosen candidate should be provided together with written proof that this security clearance process was initiated and a copy of their national ID document, prior starting the work. Declaration of confidentiality and protection of the information system and of non-conflict of interest will be signed by the selected person, at latest at the starting date. Primary Location: France Job: Application Software & Development Organization: Unisystems Schedule: Regular Shift: Standard Job Type: Full-time Day Job Job Posting: 11-Jun-2018, 10:23:41 AM
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Test Engineer
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