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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Upslide

With the help of the CPO, you’ll work on your own product. You will handle all the regular PM activities (understanding of business and technical needs, roadmap creation, delivery management, etc.). If you believe you are a structured and smart product professional with great communication skills, you will thrive in UpSlide’s environment.

Product discovery

Understand your users painpoints and needs through qualitative research (usability tests, direct meetings with customers and users) or quantitative data. Test hypothesis and ideas on the field with dynamic mockups.

Product strategy

Build and nurture your product vision with the CPO, based on the data you gathered (from users, your team, data analysis, competitors, user research…).
Turn that into a strategy and a well-thought roadmap: you will make sure that we’re building the right features.
Make sure your team / stakeholders understand and embrace it through your engaging communication.

Product delivery

Work closely UI and developers to come up with the best solution to address your users' pain points: you will also make sure that we’re building the feature right.
Turn your roadmap into a backlog of user stories. Organize and prioritize everything, and explain the rationale behind it to all stakeholders and to your team
Ensure that all products shipped by your team are bug-free.
Coordinate communication around the new features (blog, support web-site, user manual, sales pitch).

Ask for help everytime you need, and be a fast learner.

Profil recherché

For this strategic position we need an experienced PM with an engineering mindset.

You have conducted scrum, design sprints, usability tests. You handle ambiguity, complexity and interdependencies in an organized, prioritized and structured way. You have excellent judgment and thoughtfulness about the dynamics of a product ecosystem. You are passionate about it. User feedbacks, mockups, dynamic demos, EPICs, user stories... You master the tools and processes to have this flow running. Your written/oral English (and French) is perfect. You have great communication skills and intuition for communication strategy at every level.

Why UpSlide?

Join a french start up which will double size within two years. Be at the center of the company and make a real difference. Work on a successfull product which really improves the life of its users. An international environment with users in more than 50 countries and Offices in New York, London and soon Singapour. Work in a great environment in the center of Paris: UpSlide is ranked #1 by HappyIndex®AtWork

Déroulement des entretiens

Phone interview
Product interview with CPO
ProduInterview with Lead dev
Final interview with CEO

Cpf final 4

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Product Manager
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